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Results for "Herlinda Campos"

1 - 25 of 62 Records

Herlinda Campos - 1910 to 1988

Birth: 10 Apr 1910 Nadadores, Nadadores, Coahuila de Zaragoza, Mexicobirth0

Death: 01 Mar 1988 Orangevale, Sacramento, California, USAdeath0


Father: Gregorio Campos

Mother: Teresa Romero

Herlinda Campos - 1893 to 1941

Birth: abt 1893 Villanueva, Zacatecas, Méxicobirth1

Death: 30 May 1941 Tepetongo, Zacatecas, Méxicodeath1


Father: Tomas Campos

Mother: Dominga Alcala

Herlinda Campos - 1887 to 1967

Birth: 28 Oct 1887 Ecatepec de Morelos, México, Méxicobirth2

Death: 30 Mar 1967 México, Distrito Federal, Méxicodeath2


Father: Enrique Campos

Mother: Guadalupe Romero

Herlinda Campos - 1910 to 1988

Birth: 10 Apr 1910 Nadadores, Nadadores, Coahuila de Zaragoza, Mexicobirth3

Death: 01 Mar 1988 Orangevale, Sacramento, California, USAdeath3


Father: Gregorio Campos

Mother: Teresa Ramero

Herlinda Campos - 1949

Birth: 3 Jul 1949 Bexar, Texas, USAbirth4

Death: Not Available


Father: Felix Campos

Mother: Olivia Rodriguez

Herlinda (Linda) Campos - 1924 to 2014

Birth: Apr 10 1924 Californiabirth5

Death: 13 Feb 2014 Californiadeath5


Father: Jose Eulojio Campos

Mother: Angela Molina

Herlinda Campos - 1903 to 1905

Birth: 25 Mar Abt 1903 Penjamillo de Degollado, Michoacán, Méxicobirth6

Death: 29 May 1905 Pénjamo, Michoacán, Méxicodeath6


Father: Esteban Cámpos

Mother: Leandra Chávez

Herlinda Campos - 1897 to 1918

Birth: 1 Nov 1897 Paracho de Verduzco, Michoacán, Méxicobirth7

Death: 21 Nov 1918 Cherán, Michoacán, Méxicodeath7


Father: Valerio Campos

Mother: Maria Alvarez

Herlinda Campos - 1911 to 1916

Birth: 23 Marzo 1911 Iahuquemehcan, Tlaxcala, Méxicobirth8

Death: 22 Mayo 1916 Tetela de Ocampo, Puebla, Méxicodeath8


Father: Herlindo Campos

Mother: Maria Hernandez

Herlinda Campos - 1947 to 1952

Birth: 20 Jan 1947 San Antonio, Texasbirth9

Death: 24 Apr 1952 San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas, United States of Americadeath9


Father: Pascual G Campos

Mother: Gumesinda Torres

Herlinda Campos - 1905 to 1996

Birth: 2 May 1905 Beeville, TXbirth10

Death: 29 August 1996 Beeville, Bee, Texas, United States of Americadeath10


Father: Margarito V Campos

Mother: Maria Zepeda

Herlinda Campos - 1892 to 1919

Birth: 1892

Death: 21 Sept 1919 El Refugio, Jalisco, Méxicodeath11


Father: Trinidad Campos

Mother: Higinia Alvarez

Herlinda Campos - 1892

Birth: 18 Feb 1892 Villanueva, Zacatecas, Méxicobirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Tomas Campos

Mother: Dominga Adelaida

Female IconMale Icon

Herlinda Campos - 1943

Birth: 29 Nov 1943 Dos Arroyos, Guerrero, Méxicobirth13

Death: Not Available


Father: Selberiano Campos

Mother: Macrina Valente

Herlinda Campos - 1955

Birth: 17 Jun 1955 El Paso, Texas, USAbirth14

Death: Not Available


Father: Juan Campos

Mother: Francisco Marrufo

Herlinda Campos - 1925

Birth: 23 Marzo 1925 Córdoba, Veracruz, Méxicobirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: Rafael Campos

Mother: Lucrecia Serrano

Herlinda Campos - 1904

Birth: 18 Feb 1904 Tihuatlán, Veracruz, Méxicobirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: Francisco Campos

Mother: Maria Ramona Hernandez

Female IconMale Icon

Herlinda Campos - 1946

Birth: 15 Jun 1946 San Jerónimo de Juárez, Guerrero, Méxicobirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Miguel Campos

Mother: Rosalina Magdaleno

Herlinda Campos - 1920

Birth: 28 Ene 1920 Tuxpan, Michoacán, Méxicobirth18

Death: Not Available


Father: Juan Quiros

Mother: Selsa Campos

Herlinda Campos - 1900

Birth: 1900

Death: Not Available


Father: Fernando Campos

Mother: MA. Concepción Gonzalez

Herlinda Campos - 1898 to 1899

Birth: 1898

Death: 15 Abr 1899 Apazapam, Veracruz, Méxicodeath20


Father: Demetrio Cámpos

Mother: María N

Herlinda Campos - 1913 to 1914

Birth: 1913

Death: 31 Jul 1914 Cuajimalpa, Distrito Federal, Méxicodeath21


Father: Luis Campos

Mother: Paula Gutierrez

Herlinda Campos - 1873 to 1953

Birth: 1873

Death: 12 Enero 1953 Nadadores, Coahuila, Méxicodeath22


Father: Jacinto Campos

Mother: Salome Galindo

herlinda m. campos - 1900 to 1997

Birth: 10/4/1900 Mexicobirth23

Death: 19 Jun 1997 Hesperia, San Bernardino, California, USAdeath23


Father: Marcel Campos

Mother: Not Available

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