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Results for "Henry Lindsey"

1 - 25 of 949 Records

Henry Bartley Lindsey - 1892 to 1954

Birth: 6 February 1892 Sevier, Tennesseebirth0

Death: 27 Mar 1954 Knoxville, Knox, Tennesseedeath0


Father: Rev. Lindsey

Mother: Ruth California Mullins

Henry Weathsby Lindsey - 1875 to 1946

Birth: 12 Jul 1875 Georgia, USAbirth1

Death: Dec. 1,1946 Cuthbert,Randolph County,Georgia,Burial: Pleasant Hill Freewill Church Cemetery, Randolph Co.Ga.death1


Father: William L Lindsey

Mother: Martha Anne Nichols

Henry Lindsey - 1898 to 1968

Birth: abt 1898 Texasbirth2

Death: 1968 Cleburne, Johnson County, Texas, USAdeath2


Father: John Kemp Lindsey

Mother: Mary Horton Ford

Henry P Lindsey - 1885 to 1966

Birth: Mar 1885 Tennesseebirth3

Death: 1966 Knoxville, Tennesseedeath3


Father: Isaac Grant Lindsey

Mother: Elizabeth (Bettie) Rinehart

Henry Lindsey - 1873 to 1948

Birth: Feb 1873 Virginia, USAbirth4

Death: 21 Jan 1948 Richmond, Virginia, USAdeath4


Father: Robert Curtis Lindsey

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Bingley

Henry P Lindsey - 1885 to 1966

Birth: Mar 1885 Tennesseebirth5

Death: 1966 Knoxville, Tennesseedeath5


Father: Isaac Grant Lindsey

Mother: Elizabeth (Bettie) Rinehart

Henry Bartes Lindsey - 1860 to 1935

Birth: 7 Jan 1860 Lauderdale County, Alabama, USAbirth6

Death: 5 Oct 1935 Florence, Lauderdale, Alabamadeath6


Father: Madison William Lindsey

Mother: Mary BELUE/BELEW

Henry L. Lindsey - 1906 to 1999

Birth: 6 Jan 1906 Itawamba Co., Mississippibirth7

Death: 07 MAR 1999 Courtyards Nursing Home, Itawamba Co., Mississippideath7


Father: Warren Lindsey

Mother: Mattie Bell Spencer

Henry Patrick Lindsey - 1824 to 1902

Birth: 24/18/0524 , Burke Co., NCbirth8

Death: 01/29/1902 Salt Lake County, Utah, USAdeath8


Father: Eliza Baker

Mother: Elizabeth Baker

Henry Clay Lindsey - 1876 to 1963

Birth: 16 Dec 1876 Illinoisbirth9

Death: 15 March 1963 Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa, USAdeath9


Father: Edward S Lindsey

Mother: Eliza Jane Deford

Henry L. Lindsey - 1906 to 1999

Birth: 6 Jan 1906 Itawamba Co., Mississippibirth10

Death: 07 MAR 1999 Courtyards Nursing Home, Itawamba Co., Mississippideath10


Father: Warren Lindsey

Mother: Mattie Bell Spencer

Henry Dalton Lindsey - 1870 to 1942

Birth: 05 Sep 1870 Alabamabirth11

Death: 02 Apr 1942 Marion Co, Alabamadeath11


Father: Francis Marion Lindsey

Mother: Mary A Johnson

Henry Dalton Lindsey - 1870 to 1942

Birth: 05 Sep 1870 Alabamabirth12

Death: 02 Apr 1942 Marion Co, Alabamadeath12


Father: Francis Marion Lindsey

Mother: Mary A Johnson

Henry A Lindsey - 1825 to 1903

Birth: Abt 1825 West Virginiabirth13

Death: 01 Dec 1903 Deaconess Home, Spokane, Washingtondeath13


Father: George Lindsey

Mother: Mary Steel

Henry Weathsby Lindsey - 1875 to 1946

Birth: 12 Jul 1875 Georgia, USAbirth14

Death: Dec. 1,1946 Cuthbert,Randolph County,Georgia,Burial: Pleasant Hill Freewill Church Cemetery, Randolph Co.Ga.death14


Father: William L Lindsey

Mother: Martha Anne Nichols

Henry Lindsey - 1887 to 1963

Birth: 2 Oct 1887 Melissa, Collin, Texas, United Statesbirth15

Death: 14 Mar 1963 Bryan, Oklahoma, USAdeath15


Father: James Woodford Lindsey

Mother: Mary Carolina Stice

Henry Bartes Lindsey - 1860 to 1935

Birth: 7 Jan 1860 Lauderdale County, Alabama, USAbirth16

Death: 5 Oct 1935 Florence, Lauderdale, Alabamadeath16


Father: Madison William Lindsey

Mother: Mary BELUE/BELEW

Henry Cleveland Lindsey - 1910 to 1991

Birth: 22 Oct 1910 Mississippibirth17

Death: 13 Jan 1991 Laurel, Jones, Mississippi USAdeath17


Father: Grover Cleveland Lindsey

Mother: Eula Mae Hayes

Henry Carlton Lindsey - 1918 to 1988

Birth: 3 Jan 1918 Louisianabirth18

Death: 30 April 1988 Atlanta, Cass, Texas, United States of Americadeath18


Father: Benjamin Dennis Lindsey

Mother: Vallie Snead

Henry A Lindsey - 1825 to 1903

Birth: Abt 1825 West Virginiabirth19

Death: 01 Dec 1903 Deaconess Home, Spokane, Washingtondeath19


Father: George Lindsey

Mother: Mary Steel

Henry Thomas Lindsey - 1879 to 1957

Birth: 31 Dec 1879 Dickson, Tennessee, USAbirth20

Death: 5 Nov 1957 Kingston Springs, Cheatham, Tennessee, USAdeath20


Father: James M Lindsey

Mother: Elizabeth Woodward

Henry Madison Lindsey - 1926 to 1998

Birth: 11 Aug 1926 Louisville, Winston County, Mississippi, USAbirth21

Death: 3 December 1998 Laurel, Jones Co, Mississippideath21


Father: Henry Madison Lindsey

Mother: Nellie F Clark

Henry Clay Lindsey - 1848 to 1925

Birth: 1848 Henderson Co, Tennesseebirth22

Death: 27 January 1925 Waco, McLennan County, Texas, USAdeath22


Father: George Lindsey

Mother: Eliza Jane Scates

Henry Lindsey - 1811 to 1899

Birth: 27 October 1811 Carroll County, Virginia, United States of Americabirth23

Death: 27 August 1899 Carroll County, Virginia, United States of Americadeath23


Father: Henry LINDSEY

Mother: Elizabeth Smith

Henry Clay Lindsey - 1848 to 1925

Birth: 1848 Henderson Co, Tennesseebirth24

Death: 27 January 1925 Waco, McLennan County, Texas, USAdeath24


Father: George Lindsey

Mother: Eliza Jane Scates

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