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Results for "Hazel Caucutt"

1 - 21 of 21 Records
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Hazel Marie Faucett - 1901 to 1997

Birth: 24 Mar 1901 Oklahomabirth0

Death: 19 Jul 1997 Charlotte, Mecklenburg, North Carolinadeath0




Hazel Marie Faucett - 1901 to 1997

Birth: 24 Mar 1901 Oklahomabirth1

Death: 19 Jul 1997 Charlotte, Mecklenburg, North Carolinadeath1




Hazel Loraine Cawcutt - 1939 to 2000

Birth: 18 Sep 1939 South Africabirth2

Death: 2000 , , Washington, USAdeath2


Father: Christopher Cranston Cawcutt

Mother: Frances Mary Oosthuizen

Hazel Martha Faucett - 1896 to 1926

Birth: Mar 1896 Wisconsinbirth3

Death: 26 Feb 1926 Camden, Pend Oreille, Washingtondeath3


Father: William Henry Faucet

Mother: Mary Sophia Vigue

Hazel Lucille Faucett - 1906 to 1979

Birth: 04 Jul 1906 Italy, Ellis Co., Txbirth4

Death: Feb 1979 Pierce City, Lawrence, Missouri, USAdeath4


Father: Jonathan Newton Faucett

Mother: Susie Mae Henderson

Hazel M Faucett - 1889 to 1901

Birth: Jul 1889 Indianabirth5

Death: 18 April 1901 Wayne County, Indiana. Sugar Grove Cemeterydeath5


Father: William Ellsworth Faucett

Mother: Abigail Florence Ratliff

Hazel Faucett - 1918 to 1920

Birth: Jul 1918 Granvillebirth6

Death: 2 Feb 1920 Salem, Granville, North Carolinadeath6


Father: Walter Lewis Faucette

Mother: Maggie Jane Faucette

Hazel Joyce AUCOTT - 1933 to 2015

Birth: 10 Jan 1933 Leicesterbirth7

Death: 26 Dec 2015 Holmes Court Kenilworth Road Wigston


Father: Joseph Jacob Aucott

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Tate

Hazel Gertrude Aucutt - 1894 to 1975

Birth: 07 Aug 1894 Antigo, Langlade, Wisconsinbirth8

Death: 29 Apr 1975 Antigo, Langlade, Wisconsindeath8


Father: Charles Lafayette Aucutt

Mother: Charlotte Helen Dix

Hazel Violet Calcott - 1921 to 2012

Birth: 1921 Katoomba, New South Wales, Australiabirth9

Death: 21 Aug 2012 Wollongong, New South Wales, Australiadeath9


Father: Herbert Abraham Calcott

Mother: Ethel May Robinson

Hazel Olive Faucett - 1908 to 1978

Birth: 16 Apr 1908 Monroe, Indiana, USAbirth10

Death: 24 Dec 1978 Linton, Greene, Indiana, USAdeath10


Father: Rhodolphus Faucett

Mother: Ada Anna Hostetter

Hazel Loraine Cawcutt - 1939 to 2000

Birth: 18 Sep 1939 South Africabirth11

Death: 2000 Washington, USAdeath11


Father: UNKNOWN Cawcutt

Mother: Not Known UNKNOWN

Hazel L. Carbutt - 1890 to 1930

Birth: 21 Sep 1890 Concordia, Cloud Co., Kansasbirth12

Death: 30 Sep 1930 San Jose, CAdeath12


Father: Robert Nelson Carbutt

Mother: Clara Luella Mullen

Hazel M Faucett - 1889

Birth: Jul 1889 Indianabirth13

Death: Not Available


Father: William Faucett

Mother: Abigail Florence Ratliff

Hazel B Walcutt - 1910

Birth: 1910 Michiganbirth14

Death: Not Available


Father: Mason David Walcott

Mother: Mary O Groo

Hazel Faucett - 1887

Birth: abt 1887 Floridabirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Mary Alice Fawcett

Hazle C. Calcutt - 1885 to 1916

Birth: Jul 1885 Kansasbirth16

Death: 1916


Father: Not Available

Mother: Laura A Calcutt

Hazel L Calcutt - 1913 to 1941

Birth: 1913

Death: 1941


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Hazel Olive Faucett

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Hazel Faucett

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Hazle Olive Faucett

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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