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Results for "Harriet Humphrey"

1 - 25 of 495 Records

Harriet Amelia Humphrey - 1845 to 1896

Birth: 3 Jul 1845 Concord, Erie, New Yorkbirth0

Death: 4 Dec 1896 Welland, Ontario, Canadadeath0


Father: Nathan Egbert Humphrey

Mother: Sylphina Caroline Reed

Harriet Humphrey - 1877 to 1930

Birth: abt 1877 Illinoisbirth1

Death: AFT 1930 Jacksonville, Morgan, Illinoisdeath1


Father: Lewis Cass Coverstone

Mother: Mary Jane Livingston

Harriet Amelia Humphrey - 1845 to 1896

Birth: 3 Jul 1845 Concord, Erie, New Yorkbirth2

Death: 4 Dec 1896 Welland, Ontario, Canadadeath2


Father: Nathan Egbert Humphrey

Mother: Sylphina Caroline Reed

Harriet Humphrey - 1869 to 1958

Birth: abt 1869 Pennsylvaniabirth3

Death: 6 December 1958 Los Angelesdeath3


Father: Abram Humphrey

Mother: Lucinda McClellan

Harriet Humphrey - 1845 to 1913

Birth: Apr 1845 Wheatland, Michigan, USAbirth4

Death: 29 Oct 1913 Wheatland, Hillsdale,Michigandeath4


Father: William Spencer Humphrey

Mother: Sophronia Crittenden

Harriet Humphrey - 1822 to 1880

Birth: 30 Jul 1822 Richfield, Summit, Ohio, USAbirth5

Death: 1 Dec 1880 Mormon Island, Sacramento, California, USAdeath5


Father: Julius Augustus Humphrey

Mother: Rhoda Oviatt

Harriet Jane Humphrey - 1878 to 1958

Birth: July 1878 Addlestone, Surrey, Englandbirth6

Death: 1958 Surrey death6


Father: James Humphrey

Mother: Elizabeth Martha Smithers

Harriet Jane Humphrey - 1844 to 1922

Birth: 23 Jun 1844 ,Mercer, PAbirth7

Death: 15 Jun 1922 Armour, Douglas County, South Dakota, United States of Americadeath7


Father: John English Humphrey

Mother: Mary Jane Kerr

Harriet Humphrey - 1826 to 1914

Birth: 1826 Albury, Surrey, , Englandbirth8

Death: Jan 1914 Guildford Surreydeath8


Father: Richard Humphreys

Mother: Lydia Fulk

Harriet Almeda Humphrey - 1848 to 1934

Birth: Oct 1848 Hillsboro, Jefferson, Ohiobirth9

Death: 27 October 1934 Lodi, San Joaquin County, California, USAdeath9


Father: Edward Jackson Humphrey

Mother: Sarah Catherine Hooper

Harriet "hattie" Humphrey - 1898 to 1979

Birth: Jun 1898 Jefferson Co., WIbirth10

Death: 16 Feb 1979 Brookfield, Waukesha, Wisconsin, United States of Americadeath10


Father: Hugh Humphrey

Mother: Catherine Lewis

Harriet "Hattie" Humphrey - 1862 to 1936

Birth: 20 Jan 1862 Indianabirth11

Death: 7 Oct 1936 Chicago, Cook, Illinoisdeath11


Father: George Woodbridge Humphrey

Mother: Sabrina Lockwood Rathbun

Harriet "Hettie" Humphrey - 1856 to 1924

Birth: 1856 Tennesseebirth12

Death: 05 Oct 1924 District of Columbia, USAdeath12


Father: John Cowan Humpheys

Mother: Sandol Fort Battle

Harriet "Hattie" Humphrey - 1862 to 1936

Birth: 20 Jan 1862 Indianabirth13

Death: 7 Oct 1936 Chicago, Cook, Illinoisdeath13


Father: George Woodbridge Humphrey

Mother: Sabrina Lockwood Rathbun

Harriet Humphrey - 1874 to 1929

Birth: May 1874 Iowa, USAbirth14

Death: 6 Mar 1929 Tiverton, Coshocton, Ohio, United Statesdeath14


Father: Squire Samuel Humphrey*

Mother: Samilda Conner

Harriet "Hettie" Humphrey - 1856 to 1924

Birth: 1856 Tennesseebirth15

Death: 05 Oct 1924 District of Columbia, USAdeath15


Father: John Cowan Humpheys

Mother: Sandol Fort Battle

Harriet (Harriot) Humphrey - 1818 to 1899

Birth: 05 Oct 1818 Pelham, Hampshire, Massbirth16

Death: 18 Mar 1899 Barre, Massdeath16


Father: Noah Humphrey

Mother: Mary* Parker

Harriet Humphrey - 1874 to 1929

Birth: May 1874 Iowa, USAbirth17

Death: 6 Mar 1929 Tiverton, Coshocton, Ohio, United Statesdeath17


Father: Squire Samuel Humphrey*

Mother: Samilda Conner

Harriet Annette Humphrey - 1841 to 1887

Birth: Aug 1841 Simsbury Hartford, Connecticut, USAbirth18

Death: 24.01.1887 Simsbury, Hartford, Connecticut, USAdeath18


Father: Rufus Humphrey

Mother: Harriett Wilcox Humphrey

Harriet Humphrey - 1875 to 1958

Birth: abt 1875 Halstead, Essexbirth19

Death: Apr 1958 Braintree, Essex, Englanddeath19


Father: Frederick Bragg

Mother: Jane Parker

Harriet Humphrey - 1875 to 1958

Birth: abt 1875 Halstead, Essexbirth20

Death: Apr 1958 Braintree, Essex, Englanddeath20


Father: Frederick Bragg

Mother: Jane Parker

Harriet Humphrey - 1816 to 1904

Birth: 14 Feb 1816 Canton, Hartford, Connecticut, USAbirth21

Death: 02 Feb 1904 New York, USAdeath21


Father: Arnold P. Humphrey

Mother: Rosanna Foote Mills

Harriet Humphrey - 1859 to 1936

Birth: ABT 1859 Croydon, Surrey, Englandbirth22

Death: Mar 1936 Surrey South Western, Surrey, Englanddeath22


Father: James Humphrey

Mother: Elizabeth Barker

Harriet Humphrey - 1817 to 1878

Birth: 1817 Northill, Bedfordshire, Englandbirth23

Death: October 1878 Biggleswade, Bedfordshiredeath23


Father: Miles Humphreys or Humphrey

Mother: Warbois Lee

Harriet Humphrey - 1835 to 1912

Birth: 6 Jun 1835 Vershire, Orange, Vermont, USAbirth24

Death: 6 Jul 1912 Piermont, Grafton, New Hampshire, USAdeath24


Father: Jesse Darling

Mother: Pearley Humphrey

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