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Results for "Harm Pastoor"

1 - 13 of 13 Records

Harm PASTOOR - 1892 to 1971

Birth: 6 JAN 1892 Bierumbirth0

Death: 11 NOV 1971


Father: Willem Pastoor

Mother: Jantje NIES

Harm PASTOOR - 1892 to 1971

Birth: 6 JAN 1892 Bierumbirth1

Death: 11 NOV 1971


Father: Willem Pastoor

Mother: Jantje NIES

Harm Everts Pastoor - 1874 to 1891

Birth: 15 September 1874 Ditzumerverlaat , Rheiderland, Landkreis Leer, Niedersachsen, GERMANY.birth2

Death: 22 März 1891


Father: Evert Pastoor

Mother: Martje Asche

Harm Everts Pastoor - 1874 to 1891

Birth: 15 September 1874 Ditzumerverlaat , Rheiderland, Landkreis Leer, Niedersachsen, GERMANY.birth3

Death: 22 März 1891


Father: Evert Pastoor

Mother: Martje Asche

Harm PASTOOR - 1803 to 1866

Birth: 11 JUN 1803 Annen,Anloobirth4

Death: 25 MAR 1866 Annen,Anloodeath4


Father: Jan Pastoor

Mother: Jantje Hindriks

Harm Berends Meinders Pastoor - 1883 to 1969

Birth: 29. März 1883 Ditzumerverlaat, Reiderland, Niedersachsen, Deutschlandbirth5

Death: 12 Dez. 1969 Ditzumerverlaatdeath5


Father: Hilko Harm Pastoor

Mother: Harmina Meinders -Pastoor( OSB Dv- 934)

Harm Pastoor - 1915 to 1931

Birth: 1915 Ditzumerverlaatbirth6

Death: 1931? Ditzumerverlaatdeath6


Father: Harm Berends Meinders Pastoor

Mother: Boelina Broß

Harm Everts Pastoor - 1805 to 1879

Birth: 1805 Ditzumerverlaat, Leer, Niedersachsen, Deutschlandbirth7

Death: 30 Mai 1879 Ditzumerverlaat, Leer, Niedersachsen, Deutschlanddeath7


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Harm Pastoor - 1803

Birth: Abt 1803

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Harm Abel Pastoor - 1906

Birth: 17 MAY 1906 Amsterdambirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Harm Evers Pastoor

Birth: Not Available Ditzumerverlaatbirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Harm Pastoor

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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