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Results for "Harl Caldwell,"

1 - 25 of 821 Records
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Earl Ferrel Cardwell - 1920 to 1971

Birth: 19 Aug 1920 Macon, Georgia, USAbirth0

Death: September 23, 1971 Dade, FLdeath0


Father: Albert Farley Cardwell

Mother: Nellie Bly Dunn

Carl Maxwell Caldwell - 1905 to 1972

Birth: 29 May 1905 Mecklenburg County, North Carolina USAbirth1

Death: 23 Oct 1972 Hickory, Catawba County, North Carolina USAdeath1


Father: George William Caldwell

Mother: Cora Ellis

Earl L Caldwell - 1901 to 1976

Birth: abt 1901 Kansasbirth2

Death: 02 March 1976 Austin, Travis, Texas, USAdeath2


Father: Lewis Crittendon Caldwell

Mother: Mary Landis

Earl R Caldwell - 1882 to 1963

Birth: Dec 1882 Kentuckybirth3

Death: 19 January 1963 Memphis, Shelby, Tennessee, USAdeath3


Father: Charles K. Caldwell

Mother: Mary McRoberts

Earl Wayne CALDWELL - 1910 to 1988

Birth: (Mar. 10, 1910) Edison, Furnas, Nebraska, USAbirth4

Death: 18 Aug 1988 Portland, Multnomah, Oregon, USAdeath4


Father: Guy M Caldwell

Mother: Ella Keziah Smith

Earl Wayne Cardwell - 1931 to 2006

Birth: 27 Dec 1931 Kempton, Tipton, Indiana, USAbirth5

Death: 24 Aug 2006 Kokomo,Indianadeath5


Father: Basil Cardwell

Mother: Lois Irene Miller

Carl B Caldwell - 1893 to 1953

Birth: 30 Oct 1893 Kirklin, Clinton, Indiana, USAbirth6

Death: 19 Jul 1953 Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana, USAdeath6


Father: Sylvester Caldwell

Mother: Anna D Bolt

Carl B Caldwell - 1893 to 1953

Birth: 30 Oct 1893 Kirklin, Clinton, Indiana, USAbirth7

Death: 19 Jul 1953 Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana, USAdeath7


Father: Sylvester Caldwell

Mother: Anna D Bolt

Carl Jackson Caldwell - 1916 to 1993

Birth: 19 April 1916 Kentuckybirth8

Death: 11/21/1993 Ypsilanti, Washtenaw, Michigan, USAdeath8


Father: John Henry Caldwell

Mother: Mattie Ellen Porter

Earl F Caldwell - 1897 to 1972

Birth: 1897 sept 21 Remsen, Oneida, New Yorkbirth9

Death: Jan 18 1972 Prospect, Oneida, New York, United Statesdeath9


Father: James Caldwell

Mother: Mary Jane Conkling

Earl Weldon Caldwell - 1905 to 1981

Birth: 9 Apr 1905 Texas, United Statesbirth10

Death: 15 Sep 1981 Hidalgo, Texasdeath10


Father: Ernest Franklin Caldwell

Mother: Ovie Buford Nunnallee

Carl GAYLORD Caldwell - 1929 to 1997

Birth: 7 Feb 1929 Kenton, Kentuckybirth11

Death: 25 Aug 1997 Edgewood, Kenton, Kentucky, United Statesdeath11


Father: Chester Clay Caldwell

Mother: Nora Ann Mitts

Carl Clarence Caldwell - 1887 to 1965

Birth: 22 May 1887 Boone, Indiana, USAbirth12

Death: Aug 1965 Saint Louis, Missouri, USAdeath12


Father: James H Caldwell

Mother: Ida Jane Coy

Earl L Caldwell - 1901 to 1976

Birth: abt 1901 Kansasbirth13

Death: 02 March 1976 Austin, Travis, Texas, USAdeath13


Father: Lewis Crittendon Caldwell

Mother: Mary Landis

Carl Rufus Caldwell - 1939 to 1999

Birth: 2 Oct 1939 Ferguson Way, West Virginiabirth14

Death: 6 Jan 1999 Prichard, Wayne, West Virginia, USAdeath14


Father: Burl Caldwell

Mother: Lelia Smith

Earl Caldwell - 1902 to 1986

Birth: 12 Aug 1902 Basin, Big Horn, Wyoming, USAbirth15

Death: 17 Dec 1986 Greybull, Big Horn, Wyoming, USAdeath15


Father: Ernest T Caldwell

Mother: Ula Lee Hedges

Carl B. Cardwell - 1911 to 1989

Birth: 17 Apr 1911 Virginiabirth16

Death: 27 Oct 1989 Kingsport, Sullivan County, Tennesseedeath16


Father: Thomas Cardwell

Mother: Effie Mae Hurley

Carl Maxwell Caldwell - 1905 to 1972

Birth: 29 May 1905 Mecklenburg County, North Carolina USAbirth17

Death: 23 Oct 1972 Hickory, Catawba County, North Carolina USAdeath17


Father: George William Caldwell

Mother: Cora Ellis

Carl B. Cardwell - 1911 to 1989

Birth: 17 Apr 1911 Virginiabirth18

Death: 27 Oct 1989 Kingsport, Sullivan County, Tennesseedeath18


Father: Thomas Cardwell

Mother: Effie Mae Hurley

Carl E. Caldwell - 1924 to 1994

Birth: 30 Apr 1924 Scioto, Ohiobirth19

Death: 6 Oct 1994 Oak Hill, Jackson, Ohio, USAdeath19


Father: James Caldwell

Mother: Matilda Fulk

Earl J. Caldwell - 1899 to 1945

Birth: Oct 1899 United Statesbirth20

Death: 24 Jul 1945 West Coxsackie, Greene, New York, USAdeath20


Father: John Franklin Caldwell

Mother: Henrietta M. Craw

Earl F Cardwell - 1903 to 1966

Birth: 13 Jan 1903 Smyth County, Virginiabirth21

Death: 20 Mar 1966 Kingsport, Sullivan County, Tennesseedeath21


Father: Thomas Cardwell

Mother: Effie Mae Hurley

Earl F Caldwell - 1897 to 1972

Birth: 1897 sept 21 Remsen, Oneida, New Yorkbirth22

Death: Jan 18 1972 Prospect, Oneida, New York, United Statesdeath22


Father: James Caldwell

Mother: Mary Jane Conkling

Earl Wayne CALDWELL - 1910 to 1988

Birth: (Mar. 10, 1910) Edison, Furnas, Nebraska, USAbirth23

Death: 18 Aug 1988 Portland, Multnomah, Oregon, USAdeath23


Father: Guy M Caldwell

Mother: Ella Keziah Smith

Earl William Cauldwell - 1885 to 1970

Birth: 23 Jun 1885 Rockville, Parke, Indiana, USAbirth24

Death: 01 May 1970 Lemont,Illdeath24


Father: Rafe O. CAULDWELL

Mother: Mary Alice Asbury

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