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Results for "Giuseppe Gemignani"

1 - 25 of 59 Records

Giuseppe Gemignani - 1783 to 1864

Birth: Abt. 1783 Coreglia, Lucca, Toscana, Italybirth0

Death: 2 Mar 1864 Coreglia, Lucca, Toscana, Italydeath0


Father: Giovanni Marco Gemignani

Mother: Emanuella Cortopassi

Giuseppe Gemignani - 1857 to 1910

Birth: 1857 Maggiano, Lucca, Toscana, Italybirth1

Death: aft Jul 1910 on a 25 Dec Lucca, Toscana, Italydeath1


Father: Francesco Gemignani

Mother: Caterina Dinelli

Giuseppe Gemignani - 1887 to 1961

Birth: 5 Jun 1887 Torre del Lago, Viareggio, Lucca, Toscana, Italybirth2

Death: 15 Dec 1961 Lovelock, Pershing, Nevada, USAdeath2


Father: Agostino Gemignani

Mother: Elena Pecchia

Giuseppe Gemignani - 1879

Birth: 10 Jul 1879 Camaiore, Lucca, Toscana, Italybirth3

Death: Not Available


Father: Domenico Gemignani

Mother: Rachele Biagi

Giuseppe Giovanni "Giuseppe J." Gemignani - 1882 to 1952

Birth: 26 Mar 1882 Torre del Lago, Lucca, Toscana, Italybirth4

Death: 3 Sep 1952 Alameda, Californiadeath4


Father: Giovanni Gemignani

Mother: Maddalena Cordoni

Giuseppe Gemignani - 1879

Birth: 10 Jul 1879 Camaiore, Lucca, Toscana, Italybirth5

Death: Not Available


Father: Domenico Gemignani

Mother: Rachele Biagi

Giuseppe Gemignani - 1867 to 1871

Birth: 9 Jan 1867 Montecarlo, Lucca, Toscana, Italybirth6

Death: 15 Sep 1871 Montecarlo, Lucca, Toscana, Italydeath6


Father: Leopoldo Gemignani

Mother: Adelaide Vettori

Giuseppe Gemignani - 1879

Birth: 23 May 1879 Coreglia Antelminelli, Lucca, Toscana, Italybirth7

Death: Not Available


Father: Giovanni (John) Gemignani

Mother: Adele Simonini

Giuseppe Rizieri Giovanni Gemignani - 1888 to 1970

Birth: 23 Nov 1888 Formentale, Lucca, Toscana, Italybirth8

Death: 25 Mar 1970 San Mateo, Californiadeath8


Father: Nicolao "Nicholas" Gemignani

Mother: Felice "Felicina" Ricci

Giuseppe Pasquale "Joseph/Joe" Gemignani - 1886 to 1958

Birth: 25 Apr 1886 Montuolo, Lucca, Toscana, Italybirth9

Death: 24 Jun 1958 Sacramento, Californiadeath9


Father: Vincenzo Gemignani

Mother: Maria Domenica Giuliani

Giuseppe Gemignani - 1921

Birth: 17 MAR 1921 Quiesa, Massarosabirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: Luigi Gemignani

Mother: Fernanda Marangoni

Giuseppe Achille Gemignani - 1853

Birth: 4 Oct 1853 Coreglia, Lucca, Toscana, Italybirth11

Death: Not Available


Father: Giovanni (John) Gemignani

Mother: Maria Pellegrini

Giuseppe Gemignani - 1907

Birth: 7 Jul 1907 Corsanico, Viareggio, Toscana, Italybirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Giovanni Gemignani

Mother: Rosa Giusti

Giuseppe Gemignani - 1894

Birth: 25 Jul 1894 Arliano, Italybirth13

Death: Not Available


Father: Narciso Gemignani

Mother: Filomena Consani

Giuseppe Gemignani - 1864

Birth: abt 1864 Bargecchia, Massarosa, Lucca, Toscana, Italybirth14

Death: Not Available


Father: Michele Gemignani

Mother: Lucia Giambastiani

Giuseppe Giulio Enrico Carlo "Enrico Giuseppe" Gemignani - 1880

Birth: 12 Aug 1880 Viareggio, Lucca, Toscana, Italybirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: Egidio Gemignani

Mother: Elisabetta Martini

Giuseppe Gemignani - 1843 to 1909

Birth: abt 1843 Viareggio, Lucca, Toscana, Italybirth16

Death: aft Sep 1909 Viareggio, Lucca, Toscana, Italydeath16


Father: Giovanni Gemignani

Mother: Not Available

Giuseppe Gemignani

Birth: Not Available Italybirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Giovanni Gemignani

Mother: Not Available

Giuseppe Gemignani - 1822 to 1887

Birth: abt 1822 Nozzano, Lucca, Toscana, Italybirth18

Death: 2 Aug 1887


Father: Paolo Gemignani

Mother: Not Available

Giuseppe Gemignani

Birth: Not Available Formentale, Lucca, Toscana, Italybirth19

Death: bef Nov 1888


Father: Nicolao Gemignani

Mother: Not Available

Giuseppe Gemignani - 1871

Birth: abt 1871 Vecchiano, Pisa, Toscana, Italybirth20

Death: Not Available


Father: Gabriello Gemignani

Mother: Not Available

Giuseppe Gemignani - 1793 to 1853

Birth: BEF 1793 Quiesa, Massarosabirth21

Death: BET 1853 AND 1855 Quiesa, Massarosadeath21


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Giuseppe "Joseph" Gemignani - 1819 to 1907

Birth: abt 1819 Italybirth22

Death: 8 Nov 1907 Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USAdeath22


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Giuseppe "Joseph" Gemignani - 1835

Birth: abt 1835 Carrara, Massa-Carrara, Toscana, Italybirth23

Death: Not Available Italydeath23


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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