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Results for "Giovanni Cattoi"

1 - 14 of 14 Records
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Giovanni Andrea Cattoi

Birth: 19 May 1865 Bolognano, Arco, Trento, Italy

Death: 15 Nov 1866 Bolognano, Arco, Trento, Italy


Father: Giacomo Bernardino Cattoi

Mother: Maria Luigia Salvetta

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Giovanni Battista Cattoi

Birth: Feb 15, 1796 Vignole,Arco,Trento,Italy

Death: May 29, 1859 Prato Saiano, Arco, Trento, Italy


Father: Philipus Antonius Cattoi

Mother: Bona Caproni

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Giovanni Battista Giacamo Cattoi

Birth: 12 Dec 1874 Caneve, Commune d'Arco, Trentino

Death: 1946


Father: Bortolomeo Francesco Cattoi

Mother: Maria Theresa CHEMELLI

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Giovanni Cattoi

Birth: Abt. 1815 Vignole,Arco,Trento,Italy

Death: Bef. Jul 13, 1885


Father: Domenico Clemente Cattoi

Mother: Maria Cristina Benuzzi

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Giovanni Antonio Cattoi

Birth: Apr 27, 1791 Vignole,Arco,Trento,Italy

Death: May 15, 1791 Vignole,Arco,Trento,Italy


Father: Philipus Antonius Cattoi

Mother: Bona Caproni

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Giovanni Cattoi

Birth: 1910

Death: 1980 Massone, Comune di Arco, Trentino


Father: Giovanni Battista Giacamo Cattoi

Mother: Liduina Toniolli

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Giovanni Andrea Cattoi

Birth: 19 Dec 1798

Death: 14 Nov 1848


Father: Valentino Cattoi

Mother: Cattarina Vecchietti

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Giovanni Cattoi

Birth: 24 Jun 1821

Death: Not Available


Father: Giovanni Cattoi

Mother: Dorothea Luigia Caproni

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Giovanni Battista Giuseppe Cattoi

Birth: May 23, 1800 Vignole,Arco,Trento,Italy

Death: Not Available


Father: Antonio Cattoi

Mother: Cecelia Amistadi

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Giovanni Antonio Angelo Cattoi

Birth: Jan 10, 1794 Vignole,Arco,Trento,Italy

Death: Not Available


Father: Philipus Antonius Cattoi

Mother: Bona Caproni

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Giovanni Roberto CATTOI

Birth: 14 Dec 1906 Massone, Trento, Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy

Death: Not Available


Father: Bortolommeo Domenico Cattoi

Mother: Maria Virginia REGAIOLLI

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Giovanni Andrea Luigi Cattoi

Birth: 18 Feb 1786

Death: Not Available


Father: Andrea Cattoi

Mother: Domenica Maino

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Giovanni Cattoi

Birth: 1879 Italy

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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Giovanni Cattoi

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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