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Results for "George Wadleigh"

1 - 25 of 96 Records

George F. Wadleigh - 1907 to 1983

Birth: 7 Jun 1907 Tennesseebirth0

Death: 1983 Rochester, Monroe, New York, USAdeath0


Father: George Robinson Wadleigh

Mother: Ellen Walker Fleming

George Wadleigh - 1877 to 1969

Birth: 5 Sep 1877 Elizabeth, Jo Daviess County, Illinoisbirth1

Death: 06/02/1969 Freeport, Stephenson County, Illinoisdeath1


Father: Joel M Wadleigh

Mother: Elizabeth Ann Timbey

George Wadleigh - 1807 to 1884

Birth: 21 Dec 1807 Salisbury, Essex, Massachusetts, USAbirth2

Death: 12 Aug 1884 Dover, Strafford, New Hampshire, USAdeath2


Father: Elijah Wadleigh

Mother: Rhoda Smith

George H Wadleigh - 1887 to 1966

Birth: 21 Aug 1887 Trenton City, Mercer, New Jersey, USAbirth3

Death: 12 Apr 1966 Winthrop, Kennebec, Mainedeath3


Father: William W Wadleigh

Mother: Anna corrigan

George A Wadleigh - 1878 to 1961

Birth: 30 OCT 1878 Galena, Cherokee County, Kansas, USAbirth4

Death: 9 APR 1961 Joplin, Jasper County, Missouri, USAdeath4


Father: George A Wadleigh

Mother: Ameldia Anderson

George Eli Wadleigh - 1851 to 1903

Birth: 5 Aug 1851 Sanbornton, Belknap Co, New Hampshirebirth5

Death: 09 Mar 1903 Sanbornton, Belknap, New Hampshiredeath5


Father: Joseph D. Wadleigh

Mother: Sally Quimby

George C Wadleigh - 1846 to 1922

Birth: Dec 1846 Haverhill, Essex, Massachusetts, USAbirth6

Death: 9 Dec 1922 Haverhill, Grafton, New Hampshiredeath6


Father: Levi Cole Wadleigh

Mother: Susan Elizabeth McCrillis

George Wadleigh - 1851 to 1941

Birth: 10 APR 1851 New Hampshirebirth7

Death: 1 January 1941


Father: Benjamin Dearborn Wadleigh

Mother: Mary Cushman

George Wadleigh - 1851 to 1941

Birth: 10 APR 1851 New Hampshirebirth8

Death: 1 January 1941


Father: Benjamin Dearborn Wadleigh

Mother: Mary Cushman

George C Wadleigh - 1846 to 1922

Birth: Dec 1846 Haverhill, Essex, Massachusetts, USAbirth9

Death: 9 Dec 1922 Haverhill, Grafton, New Hampshiredeath9


Father: Levi Cole Wadleigh

Mother: Susan Elizabeth McCrillis

George W Wadleigh - 1845 to 1939

Birth: 12 January 1845 New Hampshire, United States of Americabirth10

Death: 13 March 1939 Concord, Merrimack, New Hampshiredeath10


Father: William Wadleigh

Mother: Emily Ann Dearborn

George W Wadleigh - 1845 to 1939

Birth: 12 January 1845 New Hampshire, United States of Americabirth11

Death: 13 March 1939 Concord, Merrimack, New Hampshiredeath11


Father: William Wadleigh

Mother: Emily Ann Dearborn

George B Wadleigh - 1868 to 1900

Birth: 12 Aug 1868 Stockholm, Saint Lawrence, New York, USAbirth12

Death: 20 Sep 1900 West Stockholm, St Lawrence, New York, USAdeath12


Father: Willard C Wadleigh

Mother: Alma M Doud

George Robinson Wadleigh - 1875 to 1974

Birth: 11 Feb 1875 New York, New Yorkbirth13

Death: 9 Jan. 1974 Hastings On Hudson, Westchester, N.Ydeath13


Father: George H Wadleigh

Mother: Clara Elizabeth Robinson

George Jonathan Wadleigh - 1875 to 1941

Birth: 29 Oct 1875 Gloucester, Camden, New Jersey, USAbirth14

Death: 10 Sep 1941 Hillsboro, Hillsborough, New Hampshire, USAdeath14


Father: George Eli Wadleigh

Mother: Alzina Braley

George Remey Wadleigh - 1920 to 1950

Birth: 13 Sep 1920 Washington, District of Columbiabirth15

Death: January 13 1950 Portugaldeath15


Father: John Winthrop Wadleigh

Mother: Mary Remey

George Wadleigh - 1900 to 1925

Birth: 1900 District of Columbiabirth16

Death: 6 May 1925 San Diego, Californiadeath16


Father: Charles Burrit Wadleigh

Mother: Florence E Barnes

George Wadleigh - 1900 to 1925

Birth: 1900 District of Columbiabirth17

Death: 6 May 1925 San Diego, Californiadeath17


Father: Charles Burrit Wadleigh

Mother: Florence E Barnes

George Henry Wadleigh - 1848 to 1906

Birth: 1848 May 03 Exeter, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United Statesbirth18

Death: 1906 May 09 Green Ridge, Pettis, Missouri, United Statesdeath18


Father: Joseph Dearborn Joe Wadleigh

Mother: Frances Esther Prescott

George Newcomb Wadleigh - 1880

Birth: Abt 1880 Battersea, Surrey, Englandbirth19

Death: Not Available


Father: George Russell Wadleigh

Mother: Agnes Newcomb

George William Wadleigh - 1847 to 1924

Birth: Dec 1847 Massachusettsbirth20

Death: Abt. 1924 Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USAdeath20


Father: Isaiah Wadleigh

Mother: Eliza Durrell

George Grant Wadleigh - 1861 to 1918

Birth: 07 Apr 1861 North Hatley, Memphrémagog, Quebec, Canadabirth21

Death: 23 Nov 1918 Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USAdeath21


Father: Edwin Wadleigh

Mother: Rose Smith

George Hunt Wadleigh - 1850 to 1936

Birth: 17 NOV 1850 Sanbornton, Belknap, New Hampshire, United Statesbirth22

Death: 04 Apr 1936 Tilton, New Hampshiredeath22


Father: Joseph Dustin Wadleigh

Mother: Sarah S. Hunt

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