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Results for "George Peavoy"

1 - 16 of 16 Records

George P Peavoy - 1810 to 1883

Birth: abt 1810/1813 Horningsham, Wiltshire, England/Irelandbirth0

Death: 26 Dec 1883 Everton Village, Eramosa Twp (Guelph), Ontario, Canadadeath0


Father: James Peavoy/Pevey

Mother: Mary Peavoy

George Peavoy - 1884 to 1928

Birth: 5 Apr 1884 Dufferin, Ontario, Canadabirth1

Death: 20 Jan 1928 Toronto, Ontario, Canadadeath1


Father: George Peavoy

Mother: Agnes Mc Lean

George Peavoy - 1884 to 1928

Birth: 5 Apr 1884 Dufferin, Ontario, Canadabirth2

Death: 20 Jan 1928 Toronto, Ontario, Canadadeath2


Father: George Peavoy

Mother: Agnes Mc Lean

George Harold Peavoy - 1906 to 1950

Birth: 10 Sep 1906 York, Ontario, Canadabirth3

Death: 24 Sep 1950 Toronto, Ontario, Canadadeath3


Father: George Ellington Peavoy

Mother: Edith Willemina Michael

George Harold Peavoy - 1906 to 1950

Birth: 10 Sep 1906 York, Ontario, Canadabirth4

Death: 24 Sep 1950 Toronto, Ontario, Canadadeath4


Father: George Ellington Peavoy

Mother: Edith Willemina Michael

George Payne Peavoy - 1831 to 1899

Birth: 1831 Erin Twp, Wellington County Ontariobirth5

Death: 12 Jan 1899 Collingwood, Ontario, Canadadeath5


Father: George Peavoy

Mother: Elizabeth "Eliza" Jestin

George Peavoy - 1865 to 1935

Birth: 25 APR 1865 Erin, Ontario, Canadabirth6

Death: 1935 London, Middlesex, Ontario, Canadadeath6


Father: John Harris Peavoy

Mother: Mary Maria Moon ? Mooney

George Edwin Peavoy - 1923 to 1997

Birth: 1 Nov 1923 London, Ontario, Canadabirth7

Death: 3 Jan 1997 London, Ontario, Canadadeath7


Father: Norval Alexander Peavoy

Mother: Leah jane Bugler

George Washington Peavoy - 1856 to 1943

Birth: Jul 1856 Guelph, Wellington County, Ontario, Canadabirth8

Death: 10 September 1943 Toronto, York, Ontario, Canadadeath8


Father: George Payne Peavoy

Mother: Fanny Crawford

George Washington Peavoy - 1856 to 1943

Birth: 28 JUL 1856 Guelph, Ontario, Canadabirth9

Death: 10 Sept 1943 Toronto, York County Ontariodeath9


Father: George Payne Peavoy

Mother: Fanny Crawford

George Harvey Peavoy - 1908 to 1989

Birth: 26 July 1908 Wellington County Ontariobirth10

Death: 13 Feb 1990 or 1989 Alberta Canadadeath10


Father: George Robert (Bob) Peavoy or Peavey

Mother: Mary Jane Jones

George Peavoy - 1881

Birth: 5 JUL 1881 Luther Township, Wellington County, Ontario, Canadabirth11

Death: Not Available


Father: Issac Peavoy

Mother: Elizabeth (Betsy) Gray

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