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Results for "George Evans"

1 - 25 of 23,990 Records

George N Evans - 1872 to 1950

Birth: 24 Jan 1872 KYbirth0

Death: 14 Aug 1950 , Johnson, Kentucky, USAdeath0


Father: Meredith H EVANS

Mother: Malinda HOLBROOK

George W Evans - 1888 to 1957

Birth: 13 Aug 1888 North Carolinabirth1

Death: 24 Aug 1957 Virginiadeath1


Father: William James Evans

Mother: Ida Leah Welch

George Isom Evans - 1891 to 1958

Birth: 28 Jul 1891 Elbert County, Georgia, USAbirth2

Death: 04 Nov 1958 Baldwin, Georgiadeath2


Father: William Asa Evans

Mother: Minerva ROBERTS Evans

George W. Evans - 1839 to 1925

Birth: June 18, 1839 Mead, Marshall, West Virginia, USAbirth3

Death: 12 Oct 1925 Glen Easton, Marshall County, West Virginia, USAdeath3


Father: William Evans

Mother: Catharine KITTY Chambers

George Henry Evans - 1834 to 1917

Birth: 13 Feb 1834 Appledore, Devon, Englandbirth4

Death: 9 Jan 1917 Bideford, Devon, Englanddeath4


Father: John Evans

Mother: Sarah Day

George Thomas Evans - 1887 to 1968

Birth: 13 Sep 1887 Arkansasbirth5

Death: 25 January 1968 Ada, Pontotoc County, Oklahoma, USAdeath5


Father: Peter Hill Evans

Mother: Sarah Florence Upchurch

George Richard Evans - 1905 to 1973

Birth: Oct 1 1905 Kentucky, USAbirth6

Death: Sep 18, 1973 Jackson County, Ohio, USAdeath6


Father: James N Evans

Mother: Nancy J Martin (Evans)

George Washington Evans - 1878 to 1964

Birth: 2 Mar 1878 Hancock, Illinoisbirth7

Death: 26 July 1964 Lomax, Illinoisdeath7


Father: George Washington Evans

Mother: Rebecca Ann McAuley

George Franklin Evans - 1848 to 1927

Birth: 16 Jun 1848 Tennesseebirth8

Death: 1 Sep 1927 Burlison, Tipton County, Tennessee, United States of Americadeath8


Father: Absolem Hendricks Evans

Mother: Martha Ann Kelley

George M Evans - 1867

Birth: August 10, 1867 Edinburg, Shenandoah, Virginia, United Statesbirth9

Death: UNKNOWN Accomack, Virginia, USAdeath9


Father: Aaron B. Evans

Mother: Evaline Rau

George Napolean Evans - 1816 to 1895

Birth: Feb 17 1816 Watauga County, North Carolina, United States of Americabirth10

Death: 3 Jan 1895 Cleveland, Conway, Arkansas, United Statesdeath10


Father: Peter Hines Evans

Mother: Nancy Anne Johnston

George Evans - 1909 to 2010

Birth: abt 1909 Californiabirth11

Death: 06Apr2010 Carmichael, Sacramento County, California, USAdeath11


Father: George Rutherford Evans

Mother: Martha Shelton (Evans)

George R Evans - 1884 to 1972

Birth: 02 Feb 1884 Adams, Illinois, USAbirth12

Death: Mar 1972 Mendon, Adams, Illinois, USAdeath12


Father: James Evans

Mother: Vannetta Myers

George Washington Evans - 1857 to 1941

Birth: 23 Apr 1857 Washington County, ALbirth13

Death: 20 JAN 1941 Washington, Alabama, United Statesdeath13


Father: Thomas "Tom" Evans

Mother: Mary Sullivan

George B Evans - 1825 to 1910

Birth: Dec 1825 New Yorkbirth14

Death: aft 1910 Jefferson, New York, United Statesdeath14


Father: Amos Evans

Mother: Sarah BROWN

George Spafford Evans - 1826 to 1883

Birth: 8 Aug 1826 Tecumseh, Michiganbirth15

Death: 17 Sept 1883 San Francisco, San Francisco, California, USAdeath15


Father: James Wells

Mother: Abigail Brown

George EVANS - 1839 to 1908

Birth: July 1839 Walesbirth16

Death: 28 September 1908 Youngstown, Mahoning County, Ohio, USAdeath16


Father: John Evans

Mother: Mary Evans

George Taylor Evans - 1868 to 1955

Birth: 15 Feb. 1868 Mississippi, USAbirth17

Death: 3 Nov. 1955 Calhoun, Mississippi, USAdeath17


Father: Maxwell Evans

Mother: Elizabeth Jacks Evans

George T Evans - 1880 to 1960

Birth: abt 1880 Birmingham, Warwickshire, Englandbirth18

Death: 4 JAN 1960 Birmingham, Warwickshire, Englanddeath18


Father: George Thomas Evans

Mother: Matilda Maria Dexter

George Bismarck EVANS - 1887 to 1958

Birth: 03 OCT 1887 Heflin, Cleburne, Alabama, USAbirth19

Death: 8 June 1958 Birmingham, Jefferson, Alabamadeath19


Father: Josephus M Evans

Mother: Virginia Cunningham Bowling

George Evans - 1800 to 1879

Birth: abt 1800 St Andrews Holborn, Middlesex, Englandbirth20

Death: 1879 Hackney, Middlesex, Englanddeath20


Father: Evans

Mother: Elizabeth

George Ralph Evans - 1888 to 1968

Birth: 15 Apr 1888 Warne, Clay, North Carolina, USAbirth21

Death: 8 Dec 1968 Slaton, Lubbock, Texasdeath21


Father: James Polk Evans

Mother: Hannah Roxanna Coffey

George W Evans - 1867 to 1939

Birth: November 1867 Shullsburg, Lafayette, Wisconsin, United Statesbirth22

Death: 7 Jul 1939 Berwyn, Custer, Nebraskadeath22


Father: Sterling Evans

Mother: Mary Jane McKnight

George Daniel Evans - 1912 to 1977

Birth: 24 Oct 1912 Edwardsville, Pennsylvania, USAbirth23

Death: 31 Jan 1977 Lancaster, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USAdeath23


Father: Daniel Evans

Mother: Lillie Mae Lewis

George Evans - 1864 to 1942

Birth: Abt 1864 Virginiabirth24

Death: 14 AUG 1942 Saxis, Accomack, Virginia, USAdeath24


Father: George O. Evans

Mother: Elizabeth Ann Turlington

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