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Results for "Frank Ratcliff"

1 - 25 of 119 Records

Frank Eugene Ratcliff - 1896 to 1931

Birth: 25 Apr 1896 Franklin, Mississippi, USAbirth0

Death: 2 April 1931 Holly Ridge, Sunflower, Mississippi, USAdeath0


Father: John Ratcliff

Mother: Melissa Ann Nettles

Frank M Ratcliff - 1875 to 1953

Birth: 10 February 1875 Iowabirth1

Death: 13 OCT 1953 Topeka, Ksdeath1


Father: Jesse Ratcliff

Mother: Ruth Elizabeth Caudle

Frank M Ratcliff - 1875 to 1953

Birth: 10 February 1875 Iowabirth2

Death: 13 OCT 1953 Topeka, Ksdeath2


Father: Jesse Ratcliff

Mother: Ruth Elizabeth Caudle

Frank M Ratcliff - 1875 to 1953

Birth: 10 February 1875 Iowabirth3

Death: 13 OCT 1953 Topeka, Ksdeath3


Father: Jesse Ratcliff

Mother: Ruth Elizabeth Caudle

Frank Ratcliff - 1917 to 2010

Birth: 05 Dec 1917 La Salle Parish, Louisiana, USAbirth4

Death: 19 Aug 2010 Kirbyville, Jasper County, Texas, USAdeath4


Father: William Ratcliff

Mother: Annie Asalee Turner

Frank McWilliam Ratcliff - 1904 to 2000

Birth: 18 NOV 1904 Kingman, Indianabirth5

Death: 22 Sep 2000 Colburn, Tippecanoe, Indianadeath5


Father: Albert Ratcliff

Mother: Laurena McHenry

Frank W. Ratcliff - 1916 to 1990

Birth: 14 JUL 1916 Montgomery, Virginia, USAbirth6

Death: 21 Mar 1990


Father: James Roscoe Ratcliff

Mother: Edna Judith Hurt

Frank Herbert Ratcliff - 1865 to 1914

Birth: 1865 Newington, London, Surrey, Englandbirth7

Death: 9 December 1914 Worsley Bridge, Beckenham, Kent, Englanddeath7


Father: Thomas Keeler Ratcliff

Mother: Mary Hunt

Frank ? Ratcliff - 1854 to 1909

Birth: 15 JUN 1854 Indiana, United Statesbirth8

Death: january 1909 Argentine, Kansasdeath8


Father: Samuel Ratcliff

Mother: Margaret Burgandine

Frank William RATCLIFF - 1874 to 1941

Birth: Dec 1874 Hackney, London, United Kingdombirth9

Death: 1941 Luton, Bedfordshire, Englanddeath9


Father: David Ratcliff

Mother: Margaret Storey

Frank D. Ratcliff - 1872 to 1951

Birth: abt 1872 Maldon, Essex, Englandbirth10

Death: 20 Jan 1951 Birmingham, Englanddeath10


Father: Samuel Ratcliff

Mother: Mary Louise Darby

Frank D. Ratcliff - 1872 to 1951

Birth: abt 1872 Maldon, Essex, Englandbirth11

Death: 20 Jan 1951 Birmingham, Englanddeath11


Father: Samuel Ratcliff

Mother: Mary Louise Darby

Frank William RATCLIFF - 1874 to 1941

Birth: Dec 1874 Hackney, London, United Kingdombirth12

Death: 1941 Luton, Bedfordshire, Englanddeath12


Father: David Ratcliff

Mother: Margaret Storey

Frank Edward Ratcliff - 1923 to 1996

Birth: 27 Jul 1923 neosha county

Death: 12/19/1996 rome floyd georgia usadeath13


Father: Charles Cabel Ratliff

Mother: Gladys Mae Richardson

Frank John Ratcliff - 1935 to 1998

Birth: 3 Aug 1935 Berwick, Louisianabirth14

Death: 12 Nov 1998 Morgan City, St Mary Parish, LAdeath14


Father: George Allen Ratcliff

Mother: Lelia Agnes Falgout

Frank R Ratcliff - 1891 to 1959

Birth: Sep 1891 Braintree, Essex, Englandbirth15

Death: 1959 Colchester, Essex, Englanddeath15


Father: Alfred Ratcliff

Mother: Emily Evans

Frank R Ratcliff - 1891 to 1959

Birth: Sep 1891 Braintree, Essex, Englandbirth16

Death: 1959 Colchester, Essex, Englanddeath16


Father: Alfred Ratcliff

Mother: Emily Evans

Frank Hart Ratcliff 77 - 1849 to 1924

Birth: January 1849 Bermondsey, London, United Kingdombirth17

Death: 22 Oct 1924 Camberwell, Londondeath17


Father: William Ratcliff

Mother: Sarah Sharp

Frank Earnest Ratcliff - 1919 to 2012

Birth: February 28, 1919 Ringwood, Major, Oklahoma USAbirth18

Death: 1 May 2012 Shawnee, Pottawatomie, Oklahoma, USAdeath18


Father: Beverly Paris Ratcliff

Mother: Mary Bentley Whitt

Frank Hammons Ratcliff - 1889 to 1965

Birth: 8 Apr 1889 Livingston Parish, LAbirth19

Death: 30 Dec 1965 Galvez, Ascension Parish, LAdeath19


Father: Andrew Jackson Ratcliff

Mother: Martha Jane Ficklin

Frank Wallace Ratcliff - 1888 to 1976

Birth: 26 May 1888 Ewing, Jackson County, Indiana, USAbirth20

Death: 23 Nov 1976 Freetown, Jackson County, Indiana, USAdeath20


Father: John M Ratcliff

Mother: Mary C McElfresh

Frank Ratcliff - 1857 to 1923

Birth: 14 March 1857 Missouri, USAbirth21

Death: 13 Mar 1923 Morgan County, Missouri, USAdeath21


Father: Jeremiah Ratcliff

Mother: Charlotte Ann Goodwin

Frank William Ratcliff - 1880 to 1924

Birth: abt 1880 Canterbury, Kent, Englandbirth22

Death: 31 Mar 1924 Islington, London, Englanddeath22


Father: Henry Alfred Ratcliff

Mother: Emma D Ducrow

Frank Ratcliff - 1843

Birth: 1843 Jamestown, James City, Virginia, United Statesbirth23

Death: Not Available


Father: Nicholas Ratcliffe

Mother: Eliza Homes

Frank Owen Ratcliff - 1920 to 1975

Birth: 19 Sep 1920 North Carolinabirth24

Death: 14 nov 1975 Alabama, United States of Americadeath24


Father: Hillary Canada Ratcliff

Mother: Kittie Leona Martin

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