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Results for "Francis Starnes"

1 - 25 of 77 Records

Francis Starnes - 1919 to 2008

Birth: 3 May 1919 Alabamabirth0

Death: 29 December 2008 Mobile, Mobile, Alabamadeath0


Father: Amos Webster Starnes

Mother: Willie May Hatfield

Francis Starnes - 1919 to 2008

Birth: 3 May 1919 Alabamabirth1

Death: 29 December 2008 Mobile, Mobile, Alabamadeath1


Father: Amos Webster Starnes

Mother: Willie May Hatfield

Francis Starnes - 1847 to 1912

Birth: Mar 1847 Lee, Platte, Missouribirth2

Death: 26 Dec 1912 Leavenworth, Leavenworth, Kansasdeath2


Father: Charles Starnes

Mother: Christina Myers

Francis Starnes - 1847 to 1912

Birth: Mar 1847 Lee, Platte, Missouribirth3

Death: 26 Dec 1912 Leavenworth, Leavenworth, Kansasdeath3


Father: Charles Starnes

Mother: Christina Myers

Francis VA Starnes - 1929 to 2009

Birth: 22 Mar 1929 Catawba, North Carolinabirth4

Death: 27 May 2009 Burlingtondeath4


Father: Shirley Judge Starnes

Mother: Daisy Rosa Brantley

Francis Starnes - 1923 to 2003

Birth: 18 August 1923 Mississippibirth5

Death: 1 Oct 2003 Jackson, Hinds co., Mississippideath5


Father: Thomas Starnes

Mother: Isadora Dunning Herren

Francis E Starnes - 1866 to 1901

Birth: Oct 1866 Orange, Clark County, Illinoisbirth6

Death: 13 February 1901 Fayette County, Illinoisdeath6


Father: Richard Imes

Mother: Catharine "Caty" McCourt

Francis Starnes - 1856 to 1913

Birth: abt 1856 North Carolinabirth7

Death: 23 mar. 1913




Francis Pauline Starnes - 1924 to 2004

Birth: 20 Jan 1924 Georgia, United Statesbirth8

Death: 4 Jul 2004 Lawrenceville, Gwinnett, Georgia, United States of Americadeath8


Father: James W Starnes

Mother: Mae Lillie Langley

Francis George STARNES - 1917 to 1988

Birth: 1917 Brighton, Sussex, Englandbirth9

Death: 25 Sept 1988 Brighton, Sussex, , Englanddeath9


Father: Charles Starnes

Mother: Grace Ellen Weston

Francis L Starnes - 1860 to 1880

Birth: abt 1860 Sulphur Springs, Buncombe, North Carolina, USAbirth10

Death: 15 MAY 1880 Lower Hominy, Buncombe, North Carolinadeath10


Father: Francis Marion Starnes

Mother: Matilda Elvira McKinney

Francis Henry Starnes - 1919 to 1987

Birth: 30 Sep 1919 Holborn Middlesexbirth11

Death: 12 Oct 1987 Havering, Essexdeath11


Father: Francis George Starnes

Mother: Marvella Daisy WARREN

Francis George Starnes - 1868 to 1933

Birth: 2 Feb 1868 Islington, Middlesex, Englandbirth12

Death: Mar 1933 Camberwell, London, Englanddeath12


Father: Francis George Starnes

Mother: Emma Bauckham

Francis William Starnes - 1914 to 1959

Birth: 1914 Greenwich, England, United Kingdombirth13

Death: 1959 isle of sheppey, kentdeath13


Father: Alfred Starnes

Mother: Lucy Trott

Francis George Starnes - 1868 to 1933

Birth: 2 Feb 1868 Islington, Middlesex, Englandbirth14

Death: Mar 1933 Camberwell, London, Englanddeath14


Father: Francis George Starnes

Mother: Emma Bauckham

Francis L Starnes - 1860 to 1880

Birth: abt 1860 Sulphur Springs, Buncombe, North Carolina, USAbirth15

Death: 15 MAY 1880 Lower Hominy, Buncombe, North Carolinadeath15


Father: Francis Marion Starnes

Mother: Matilda Elvira McKinney

Francis T Starnes - 1909 to 1964

Birth: abt 1909 Washingtonbirth16

Death: 1 Feb 1964 Los Angelesdeath16


Father: Napoleon Starnes

Mother: Susie E McAfee

Francis Lafayette Starnes - 1913

Birth: 1913 Alabamabirth17

Death: Not Available Birmingham, Jefferson, Alabama, USAdeath17


Father: Francis Starnes

Mother: Annie Rose Gilardoni

Francis Lafayette Starnes - 1913

Birth: 1913 Alabamabirth18

Death: Not Available Birmingham, Jefferson, Alabama, USAdeath18


Father: Francis Starnes

Mother: Annie Rose Gilardoni

Francis George Starnes - 1914 to 1967

Birth: 25/02/1914 Southwark, England, United Kingdombirth19

Death: 09/03/1967 Brompton Hospital Londondeath19


Father: Thomas Arthur Starnes

Mother: Jane Eleanor Sykes

Francis Marion Starnes - 1829 to 1862

Birth: 21 Aug 1829 Starnes Cove, Buncombe, North Carolina, USAbirth20

Death: 3 Nov 1862 Murfreesboro, Rutherford, Tennessee, USAdeath20


Father: John Starnes

Mother: Mary Etta Hice

Francis George Starnes - 1845 to 1920

Birth: 01 Feb 1845 brightonbirth21

Death: 18 May 1920 lambethdeath21


Father: John William Starnes

Mother: Elizabeth Gorringe

Francis Marion STARNES - 1850 to 1895

Birth: 1850 Casey, Kentucky, United Statesbirth22

Death: 21 Feb 1895 Casey County, Kentuckydeath22


Father: John Starnes

Mother: Mary Polly Cox

Francis D Starnes - 1876 to 1877

Birth: 13 Dec 1876 Jefferson Co, ILbirth23

Death: 15 Nov 1877 Jefferson Co, ILdeath23


Father: Samuel J Starnes

Mother: Mary Claybourn

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