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Results for "François Prenel"

1 - 18 of 18 Records

François PRENEL - 1762 to 1832

Birth: 22 JUN 1762 Perret, 22570, , Côtes d'Armor, Bretagne, birth0

Death: 03 MAY 1832 Perret, 22570, , Côtes d'Armor, Bretagne, death0


Father: François PRENELAY

Mother: Catherine POHYER

François PRENEL - 1762 to 1832

Birth: 22 JUN 1762 Perret, 22570, , Côtes d'Armor, Bretagne, birth1

Death: 03 MAY 1832 Perret, 22570, , Côtes d'Armor, Bretagne, death1


Father: François PRENELAY

Mother: Catherine POHYER

François Joseph PRENEL - 1816 to 1905

Birth: 26 MAR 1816 Villers le Lac,25,Fbirth2

Death: AFT 1905 Villers le Lac,25,Fdeath2


Father: Pierre Joseph PRENEL

Mother: Marie Joseph CHOPARD JEAN

François Xavier PRENEL - 1759 to 1804

Birth: 6 DEC 1759 Villers le Lac,25130,Doubs,Franche-Comté,FRANCE,birth3

Death: 11 APR 1804 Villers le Lac,25130,Doubs,Franche-Comté,FRANCE,death3


Father: François Joseph PRENEL

Mother: Jeanne Marie DODANE

François Jules PRENEL - 1830 to 1890

Birth: 14 JUL 1830 Villers le Lac,25,Fbirth4

Death: 16 JUN 1890 Villers le Lac,25,Fdeath4


Father: Jean Noël PRENEL

Mother: Charlotte Julienne MOUTARLIER

François Vital PRENEL - 1846 to 1894

Birth: 31 MAR 1846 Cerneux Péquignot,NE,CH

Death: 20 OCT 1894 Morteau,25,Fdeath5


Father: François Albin PRENEL


François Joseph PRENEL - 1732 to 1800

Birth: 1732

Death: 1800


Father: Guillaume PRENEL

Mother: Jeanne Marguerite CHOPARD

François Prenel - 1661

Birth: 1661

Death: Not Available



Mother: Helene Delasu

François Xavier PRENEL - 1787

Birth: 06 MAY 1787 Villers le Lac,25,Fbirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: Jean Baptiste PRENEL

Mother: Jeanne Simone CHOPARD BLAISE

François Joseph PRENEL - 1792

Birth: 26 MAR 1792 Villers le Lac,25,Fbirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: Jean Baptiste PRENEL

Mother: Jeanne Simone CHOPARD BLAISE

François Joseph PRENEL - 1768

Birth: 14 OCT 1768 Villers-le-Lac,25321,Doubs,Franche-Comté,FRANCEbirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: François Joseph PRENEL

Mother: Jeanne Marie DODANE

François Xavier PRENEL - 1774

Birth: 26 SEP 1774 Villers le Lac,25,Fbirth11

Death: Not Available


Father: Hugues PRENEL

Mother: Marie Agathe BLANCHET

François Xavier PRENEL - 1728

Birth: 28 sep 1728 Villers-le-Lac, Franche-Comté, Francebirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Pierre PRENEL


François PRENEL

Birth: Not Available

Death: Avant 1703


Father: Antoine PRENEL

Mother: Françoise PERROT

François Alexis Prenel - 1805 to 1849

Birth: 9 nov 1805

Death: 12 mar 1849 Cerneux-Péquignot, Neuchâtel, Suissedeath14


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

François Prenel - 1797 to 1865

Birth: 1797

Death: 1865


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

François Joseph PRENEL - 1799

Birth: Vers 1799 Noël-Cerneux, Franche-Comté, Francebirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

François Albin PRENEL

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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