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Results for "Eunice Walls"

1 - 25 of 37 Records

Eunice Pauline Walls - 1939 to 2012

Birth: 15 Feb 1939 Rutherford, Tennesseebirth0

Death: 2012 Murfreesboro, Rutherford, Tennessee, USAdeath0


Father: Robert Denton Walls

Mother: Esther Mae Mosley

Eunice Viola Walls - 1855 to 1934

Birth: 21 Mar 1855 Scott Twp, Ontario, Canadabirth1

Death: 14 Aug 1934 Trenary, Alger, Michigan, USAdeath1


Father: John William Walls

Mother: Statera Card

Eunice May Walls - 1916 to 2008

Birth: 10 Jan 1916 Mooresville, Iredell, NCbirth2

Death: 26 Feb 2008 Elon, Alamance, NCdeath2


Father: Thomas Franklin Walls

Mother: Katie Ritchie Walls

Eunice Walls - 1931 to 2015

Birth: Apr/Jun 1931 Manchester North, Lancashirebirth3

Death: 25 Jun 2015 Mount Isa, Queensland, Australiadeath3


Father: Thomas Walls

Mother: Ethel Bird

Eunice Lovella Walls - 1912 to 1977

Birth: 7 Mar 1912 Etowah, Alabama, United Statesbirth4

Death: 19 Aug 1977 Boaz, Etowah, Alabama, USAdeath4


Father: Samuel Thedra Ladell "Dock" Walls

Mother: Nellie Clyde Parrott

Eunice Viola Walls - 1900 to 1989

Birth: 30 Jul 1900 Ohiobirth5

Death: 04 Jun 1989 Akron, Summit, Ohio, USAdeath5


Father: Peter Orlando Hittle

Mother: Isabelle Dancer

Eunice Elva Walls - 1918 to 1992

Birth: 12 Sep 1918 Ozark, Franklin, Arkansasbirth6

Death: 14 Nov 1992 Le Flore County, Oklahoma, USAdeath6


Father: William Thomas Walls

Mother: Margaret D. Goforth Walls

Eunice Lois “Walker” Walls - 1932 to 1997

Birth: 1932 West Virginia, United States of Americabirth7

Death: 1997 West Virginia, United States of Americadeath7


Father: Joseph Wilson Walls

Mother: Lula Hester Toler

Eunice Walls - 1913 to 1986

Birth: 30 Jul 1913

Death: 26 Mar 1986 Bogalusa, Washington, Louisiana, USAdeath8


Father: Emmit Williams

Mother: Dora Qulian

Eunice "Una" Walls - 1880 to 1970

Birth: December 19, 1880 Bates County, Missouri, USAbirth9

Death: 14 JUN 1970 Missourideath9


Father: Dalton Walls

Mother: Louisa C Ritchey

Eunice Walls - 1927 to 1928

Birth: Apr 1927 Wigan, Lancashire, Englandbirth10

Death: Mar 1928 Wigan, Lancashire, Englanddeath10


Father: John Walls

Mother: Elsie May Howard

Eunice Pearl Walls - 1887 to 1959

Birth: 1 Sep 1887 Cowley County, Kansas, USAbirth11

Death: 07 May 1959 Caldwell, Canyon, Idaho, USAdeath11


Father: Wesley Walls

Mother: Laura Alice "Saucel" Barr

Eunice Walls - 1837 to 1886

Birth: 18 FEB 1837 Orange County, INbirth12

Death: 26 FEB 1886


Father: William Conway Walls

Mother: Cynthia Ann Barnet

Eunice Marjorie Walls - 1922 to 2008

Birth: 16 Sept 1922 Arkansasbirth13

Death: 28 JUN 2008 Lake Charles, Calcasieu, Louisiana, USAdeath13


Father: Charles Harold Walls

Mother: Flora Elsie Bidwell

Eunice Walls - 1935 to 2002

Birth: 26 Mar 1935 Plaquemine, Louisiana, USAbirth14

Death: 12 Jan 2002 Plaquemine, Iberville, Louisiana, United States of Americadeath14


Father: Joseph N Walls

Mother: Lena Martin

Eunice Victoria Walls - 1889 to 1943

Birth: 25 Jul 1889 Holborn, Londonbirth15

Death: 1943 Lewishamdeath15


Father: John George Walls

Mother: Alice Daubney

Eunice Loretta Walls - 1908 to 1996

Birth: 3 May 1908 ft knox ky Usabirth16

Death: 13 Aug 1996 Fort Myers Beach, Lee, Florida, United States of Americadeath16


Father: Earl Dwight COVELL

Mother: Glenna Catherine Callison

Eunice Walls - 1761

Birth: 4 Nov 1761 , Sussex, Delawarebirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Samuel Walls

Mother: Mary Anne Johnson

Eunice Kay Walls - 1947 to 2005

Birth: 08/13/1947 Clarksburg, West Virginia, USAbirth18

Death: 5 Mar 2005 Warren ohiodeath18


Father: Larry Meather Walls

Mother: Elizabeth Jessie Moore

Eunice Walls - 1761

Birth: 4 Nov 1761 , Sussex, Delawarebirth19

Death: Not Available


Father: Samuel Walls

Mother: Mary Anne Johnson

EUNICE M. Walls - 1917 to 2005

Birth: 28 Jan 1917 Winters Corners, Mathais, Alger Co., Mi

Death: 3 Jul 2005 Fort Myers Beach, Lee, Floridadeath20


Father: Woodbury John Walls

Mother: Cora B McDonald

Eunice Altha Walls - 1925 to 1970

Birth: abt 1925 Louisianabirth21

Death: December 05, 1970 Pelly, Harris Co., TXdeath21


Father: Jake Waylan Walls

Mother: Dovie Lee Light

Eunice Lois Walls - 1932 to 1997

Birth: 1 Apr 1932 West Virginiabirth22

Death: 15 Oct 1997


Father: Albert Jackson Walls

Mother: Mona Browning

Eunice Walls - 1907 to 1966

Birth: 31 Dec 1907 Spartansburg, SCbirth23

Death: 13 Sep 1966 Washington, Washington, Pennsylvania, USAdeath23


Father: Not Available

Mother: Lucinda Roy

Eunice May Walls - 1916 to 2008

Birth: 10 Jan 1916 Mooresville, Iredell, NCbirth24

Death: 26 Feb 2008 Elon, Alamance, NCdeath24


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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