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Results for "emily stephen"

Name: Emily Eliza Stephen

Birth: abt 1855 Bristol, Somerset, England

Death: 5 Aug 1926 London, London, England

Father: George Stephens

Mother: Eliza Bryant

Name: Emily Stella Stephen

Birth: 29 Feb 1892 Louisiana

Death: Oct 1974 Denham Springs, Livingston, Louisiana, USA

Father: John Wesley Stephens

Mother: Harriett O'Banion

Name: Emily Stephen

Birth: abt 1845 Brosley, Shropshire, England

Death: 9 Jul 1910 England

Father: Henry Strephon

Mother: Sarah Hurlstone

Name: Emily Louise Stephen

Birth: 18 Jul 1904 New Jersey

Death: 1968

Father: Thomas J Stephen

Mother: Ella L Lee

Name: Emily Stephen

Birth: 24 Feb 1911 ?, Yorkshire, England

Death: 4 Oct 1993 York, Yorkshire, England

Father: Stephen Fisher

Mother: Jane Oldfield

Name: Emily Stephen

Birth: 9 December 1837 Kineff Aberdeen

Death: 23/08/1902 Invercargill, Southland, New Zealand

Father: Francis Stephen

Mother: Christian Gowan

Name: Emily Mary Stephen

Birth: 10 Apr 1886 Central City, Knox, Nebraska, USA

Death: 24 Dec 1967 Whittier, Los Angeles, California, USA

Father: James Stephens

Mother: Orissa Caroline Kingsbury

Name: Emily Jane Stephen

Birth: April 1867 Ackworth, Yorkshire, England

Death: 20 Mar 1918 North Bierley, Yorkshire, England

Father: George Woodhead

Mother: Mary Ann Pigott

Name: Emily Stephen

Birth: abt 1899 South Shields, Durham, England

Death: Not Available

Father: Alexander Stephen

Mother: Annie Maria Gosling

Name: Emily Jane Stephen

Birth: 1832 Scotland

Death: 24 Jan 1872 Perth, Scotland

Father: Captain James Peterkin Stephen

Mother: Emily Ivett

Name: Emily STEPHEN

Birth: 20 Jan 1837 Hobart Town, Tasmania, Australia

Death: 20 Jan 1837 Hobart Town, Tasmania, Australia

Father: Mr Stephen GCMG PC

Mother: Virginia Consett

Name: Emily Stephen

Birth: 9 Feb 1867 Duthil With Rothiemurchus,Inverness,Scotland

Death: 1947

Father: James Stephen

Mother: Catherine Monro

Name: Emily Fern Stephen

Birth: abt 1934 Iowa

Death: Not Available

Father: Ralph E Stephenson

Mother: Fern Tierney Stephen

Name: Emily Louise Beatrice Stephen

Birth: 1907 Port Carling, Ontario, Canada

Death: 1980 Port Carling, Muskoka, Ontario, Canada

Father: Ivet Stephen

Mother: Henrietta (Ettie) Brown

Name: Emily K Stephen

Birth: 5 October 1909 Illinois

Death: 12 March 1980

Father: Adam Stephen

Mother: Anna Stremich

Name: Emily Jean Stephen

Birth: Abt. 1881 New Zealand

Death: 1953 Wahroonga, NSW

Father: George Stephen

Mother: Barbara Porteous

Name: Emily Stephen

Birth: ABT 1883 Tullynessle Forbes Scotland

Death: Not Available

Father: James Stephen

Mother: Helen Milne

Name: Emily Stephen

Birth: 1892 Quebec

Death: Not Available

Father: Walter Stephen

Mother: Josephine Stephen

Name: Emily Jane Stephen

Birth: 1896 tannadice, Forfarshire

Death: Not Available

Father: David Stephen

Mother: Jean Reid

Name: Emily A. Stephen

Birth: abt 1936 Massachusetts

Death: Not Available

Father: Angus Mackenzie

Mother: Elsa Mathilda Leth

Name: Emily Maria STEPHEN

Birth: 1849 Ramsey, Isle of Man, Isle of Man

Death: 4 Jul 1882 Isle of Man

Father: Thomas Stephen

Mother: Jane CHRISTIAN

Name: Emily Emma Stephen

Birth: 29 Mar 1891 Peel, Isle of Man

Death: 20 Jun 1945 Green Lane Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand

Father: Private

Mother: Private

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