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Results for "Ellen Foster"

1 - 25 of 3,528 Records

Ellen F Foster - 1873 to 1946

Birth: 13 Jul 1873 Vernon, Lake, Illinois, United Statesbirth0

Death: 25 Nov 1946 Lawrence, Tennessee, United Statesdeath0


Father: John Dugger Pigg

Mother: Surrina Emeline Newby

Ellen R Foster - 1851 to 1918

Birth: 29 Nov 1851 Rochester, NY, USAbirth1

Death: 15 Nov 1918 Anoka, Anoka, Minnesota, United Statesdeath1


Father: William H Foster

Mother: Rowena Wheelock

Ellen L. Foster - 1848 to 1925

Birth: 28 OCT 1848 Moretown, Washington, Vermontbirth2

Death: 24 Mar 1925 Tallapoosa, Haralson, Georgia, United Statesdeath2


Father: John William Foster

Mother: Lucia A Davis

Ellen Foster - 1866 to 1893

Birth: 24 OCT 1866 St. Helen's, Lancashire, Englandbirth3

Death: 08 JUN 1893 Kalo, Webster, IAdeath3


Father: John Foster

Mother: Mary Anne Webster

Ellen Leona Foster - 1920 to 1995

Birth: 04 FEB 1920 Brookland, Craighead County, Arkansas, United States of Americabirth4

Death: 21 JUL 1995 Jonesboro, Craighead County, Arkansasdeath4


Father: Willie Clyde Foster

Mother: Mary Ida Speaks

Ellen R Foster - 1851 to 1918

Birth: 29 Nov 1851 Rochester, NY, USAbirth5

Death: 15 Nov 1918 Anoka, Anoka, Minnesota, United Statesdeath5


Father: William H Foster

Mother: Rowena Wheelock

Ellen Maria Foster - 1865 to 1950

Birth: Apr 1865 Southam, Warwickshire, Englandbirth6

Death: Mar 1950 Southam, Warwickshire, Englanddeath6


Father: Thomas Foster

Mother: Mary Ann Rainbow

Ellen T Foster - 1855 to 1876

Birth: 14 Dec 1855 Davie, North Carolinabirth7

Death: 28 JUN 1876 Davie,Caroline du Nord,USAdeath7


Father: William C. Foster Jr.

Mother: Matilda Minor

Ellen Mabel Foster - 1883 to 1972

Birth: 15 April 1883 Lee County, Alabama, USAbirth8

Death: 9 Aug 1972 Melbourne, Brevard, Florida, USAdeath8


Father: Robert Foster


Ellen Foster - 1831 to 1900

Birth: Abt 1831 Stainforth, Yorkshirebirth9

Death: 01 Jan 1900 14 Sloop Yard, Marsh Gatedeath9


Father: John Foster

Mother: Ann White

Ellen Ann Foster - 1854 to 1929

Birth: 1854 Jun.Qt.Clayton Le Moors Blackburn Lancashire, England 8e 254birth10

Death: 1929 Lancashire, Englanddeath10


Father: Father

Mother: Alice Foster

Ellen V. FOSTER - 1842 to 1933

Birth: 25 Feb 1842 St. Clair County, Alabamabirth11

Death: 23 Feb 1933 Fayette, Fayette County, Alabamadeath11


Father: Anthony Edward Foster

Mother: Mary A. King

Ellen Clarissa Foster - 1873 to 1960

Birth: 06 November 1873 Kirkland, MObirth12

Death: 6 Oct 1960 Vicksburg, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USAdeath12


Father: Herschel Alonzo Foster Jr.

Mother: Ellen Eliza Hawkins

Ellen Elizabeth Foster - 1846 to 1915

Birth: abt 1846 Vermontbirth13

Death: 25 Aug 1915 Rutland, Rutland, Vermont, USAdeath13


Father: William Parker Foster

Mother: Sylvia Hoisington

Ellen M FOSTER - 1833 to 1921

Birth: 30 Apr 1833 Greene, Chenango, New York, USAbirth14

Death: 04 Oct 1921 Friendship, Allegany, New York, USAdeath14


Father: Hosea Foster

Mother: Merdula Sara Hine

Ellen Agnes Foster - 1871 to 1942

Birth: 13 Jul 1871 Secunderbad, India British Subjectbirth15

Death: Mar 1942 Bolton, Lancashire, Englanddeath15


Father: Richard ALLEN

Mother: Catherine Blake

Ellen Foster - 1862 to 1926

Birth: abt 1862 Englandbirth16

Death: 29 Jul 1926 Bridgeport, Fairfield, Connecticut, USAdeath16


Father: James Burns

Mother: Catherine Burns Meehan

Ellen Foster - 1839 to 1924

Birth: 28 January 1839 of, Boone, Kentuckybirth17

Death: 29 Jan 1924 Nashville, Davidson, Tennessee, United Statesdeath17


Father: Jeremiah Henry Foster

Mother: Nancy Ann Violet

Ellen V. FOSTER - 1842 to 1933

Birth: 25 Feb 1842 St. Clair County, Alabamabirth18

Death: 23 Feb 1933 Fayette, Fayette County, Alabamadeath18


Father: Anthony Edward Foster

Mother: Mary A. King

Ellen A Foster - 1847 to 1929

Birth: 26 Sept 1847 Laona, New Yorkbirth19

Death: 15 Jul 1929 River Falls Wisconsindeath19


Father: Hiram Foster

Mother: Amy Ann Merrill

Ellen H. Foster - 1871 to 1954

Birth: 11 May 1871 Hanbury, Worcestershire, Englandbirth20

Death: Jun 1954 Droitwich, Worcestershire, Englanddeath20


Father: Joseph Foster

Mother: Ann Dalley

Ellen Foster - 1893 to 1986

Birth: abt 1893 Massachusettsbirth21

Death: aug 1986 Milford, New Haven, Connecticut, USAdeath21


Father: William Foster

Mother: Jane B Robinson

Ellen C. Foster - 1866 to 1915

Birth: 3 Sep 1866 Wythe County, Virginiabirth22

Death: 7 Nov 1915 Baltimore, Baltimore City, Marylanddeath22


Father: Jehiel Winton Tarter

Mother: Susan Margaret Tarter

Ellen Foster - 1896 to 1968

Birth: 17 May 1896 Shiloh, Carroll, Georgia, USAbirth23

Death: 13 May 1968 BUR. @@ ANTIOCH BAPTIST CH. CEM.death23


Father: William Foster

Mother: Cora Ann Hughens

Ellen Foster - 1862 to 1926

Birth: abt 1862 Englandbirth24

Death: 29 Jul 1926 Bridgeport, Fairfield, Connecticut, USAdeath24


Father: James Burns

Mother: Catherine Burns Meehan

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