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Results for "Elizamond Basye"

1 - 25 of 39 Records
Female IconMale Icon

Elizamond Basye

Birth: 1674 Virginia, United States

Death: 12 Apr 1756 York County, Virginia, America


Father: Edmond Basye

Mother: Elizabeth "Eliza" Taylor

Female IconMale Icon

Elizamond Basye

Birth: 1754 Culpepper, Virginia, United States

Death: 1824 Bourbon, Kentucky, United States


Father: Edmond Basye

Mother: Winifred Taylor

Female IconMale Icon

Elizamond Basye

Birth: 1754 Culpepper, Virginia, United States

Death: 1824 Bourbon, Kentucky, United States


Father: Edmond Basye

Mother: Winifred Taylor

Female IconMale Icon

Elizamond Basye

Birth: 1647 Kent, England

Death: 18 Mar 1724 Philippines


Father: Captain John Taylor

Mother: Ruth Alden Bayse

Female IconMale Icon

Elizamond Basye

Birth: Abt. 1649 Kent County, England

Death: 14 Apr 1746 Northumberland County, Virginia, USA


Father: Walter Noah Bass, Basse, Basye

Mother: Susannah McFarland-Basye

Female IconMale Icon

Elizamond Basye

Birth: 1646 Kent, England

Death: Not Available Wicomico, Northumberland, Virginia, United States


Father: John Basey

Mother: Elizabeth Pope

Female IconMale Icon

Elizamond Basye

Birth: 1682 Northumberland, Virginia, USA

Death: 12 APR 1756 Northumberland, Virginia, USA


Father: Edmond Basye

Mother: Elizabeth Taylor

Female IconMale Icon

Elizamond Basye

Birth: 1784 Virginia, United States

Death: 10 June 1866 Abington, Illinois, USA


Father: Edmond Basye

Mother: Winifred Taylor

Female IconMale Icon

Elizamond Basye

Birth: 1647 Kent, England

Death: 18 Mar 1724 Philippines


Father: Walter Noah Basye

Mother: Susannah McFarland-Basye

Female IconMale Icon

Elizamond Basye

Birth: 1777 Culpeper Co, VA

Death: Not Available


Father: Edmond Richard Basye


Female IconMale Icon

Elizamond Basye

Birth: 1777 Culpeper Co, VA

Death: Not Available


Father: Edmond Richard Basye


Female IconMale Icon

Elizamond Basye

Birth: 1777 Culpeper Co, VA

Death: Not Available


Father: Edmond Richard Basye


Female IconMale Icon

Elizamond Basye

Birth: Abt. 1674 Northumberland, Virginia, USA

Death: 12 Apr 1756 Northumberland, Virginia, USA


Father: Edmond Basye

Mother: Elizabeth Taylor

Female IconMale Icon

Elizamond Basye

Birth: 1674 Northumberland, VA

Death: 12 APR 1756 Northumberland, Virginia, USA


Father: Elizabeth Taylor

Mother: Edmond Basye

Female IconMale Icon

Elizamond Basye

Birth: Abt. 1649 Kent County, England

Death: Not Available Wicomico, Northumberland, Virginia, USA


Father: Walter Noah Basye

Mother: Susannah McFarland-Basye

Female IconMale Icon

Elizamond Basye

Birth: 1776 Culpeper Co, VA

Death: Not Available


Father: Edmond Richard Taylor Basye


Female IconMale Icon

Elizamond Basye

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Edmond Basye

Mother: Winifred Taylor

Female IconMale Icon

Elizamond Bayard Basye

Birth: 2 DEC 1896

Death: Not Available


Father: Elizamond Bayard Basye

Mother: Jennie Hensley Snodgrass

Female IconMale Icon

Elizamond Basye

Birth: 1674 Virginia, USA

Death: Not Available


Father: Elizabeth Taylor

Mother: Not Available

Female IconMale Icon

Elizamond Basye

Birth: 1752 Prince William, Virginia, United States

Death: Oct 1824 St Louis, St Louis, Missouri, United States


Father: John Thomas Basye

Mother: Not Available

Female IconMale Icon

Elizamond Bayard Basye

Birth: 16 Feb 1852 Jefferson City, Scotland, Missouri, USA

Death: May 1934 Dallas County, Texas, USA


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Female IconMale Icon

Elizamond Basye

Birth: 1754 Culpepper, Virginia, USA

Death: 1824 Bourbon, Kentucky, United States


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Female IconMale Icon

Elizamond Basye

Birth: 1757 Colony, Laurel, Kentucky, USA

Death: Oct 1824 Bourbon, Kentucky, USA


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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