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Results for "Elizabeth Walker"

1 - 25 of 36,234 Records

Elizabeth Ann Walker - 1823 to 1900

Birth: 1823 Alabama, USAbirth0

Death: 1900 Tishomingo, Tishomingo, Mississippi, United Statesdeath0


Father: John Hope Walker

Mother: Nancy Boyd Walker Harvey

Elizabeth Walker - 1860 to 1907

Birth: 11 Jan 1860 Parker County, Texas, USAbirth1

Death: 10 Apr 1907 Bryson, Jack, Texas, USAdeath1


Father: Samuel Harvey Walker

Mother: Emma Ruth

Elizabeth A. Walker - 1879 to 1943

Birth: 21 Mar 1879 Stockport, Lancashire, Englandbirth2

Death: 24 Oct 1943 Dearborn, Wayne, Michigandeath2


Father: George Walker

Mother: Sarah Ann McNeil

Elizabeth Walker - 1787 to 1821

Birth: 1787 Silkstone, Yorkshire, Englandbirth3

Death: 1821 Silkstone With Stainborough, All Saints, Yorkshire, Englanddeath3


Father: Thomas WALKER

Mother: Margaret Wilkinson

Elizabeth Walker - 1904 to 1946

Birth: 16 Oct 1904 Lewis, Edwards, KS, USAbirth4

Death: 26 Feb 1946 Belpre, Edwards, Kansas, United Statesdeath4


Father: William Sylvester WALKER

Mother: Louise Alice Anderson (Walker)

Elizabeth Walker - 1792 to 1862

Birth: 2 Mar 1792 St Marylebone, Middlesex, Englandbirth5

Death: 1862 Camberwell, Surrey, Englanddeath5


Father: Francis Walker

Mother: Margaretta Pasfield

Elizabeth Walker - 1780 to 1863

Birth: 12 Dec 1780 Whitby, Yorkshire, Englandbirth6

Death: 9 Oct 1863 Whitby, Yorkshire, Englanddeath6


Father: Henry WALKER

Mother: Elizabeth Tomalin

Elizabeth Jane Walker - 1818 to 1896

Birth: 1818 Ernestown Township, Lennox & Addington County, Ontario, Canadabirth7

Death: 27 March 1896 Loughborough, Ontario, Canadadeath7


Father: John Walker

Mother: Elizabeth Ingram

Elizabeth Walker - 1846 to 1925

Birth: 1846 Riponbirth8

Death: 16 Mar 1925 Darlington, Durham, Englanddeath8


Father: Thomas Walker

Mother: Ruth Hebden

Elizabeth Walker - 1859 to 1953

Birth: 07 Oct 1859 GAbirth9

Death: 13 Jan 1953 FLdeath9


Father: James Walker

Mother: Mary Ann Unknown Walker

Elizabeth Walker - 1851 to 1930

Birth: 1851 Englandbirth10

Death: 1930 Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, Englanddeath10


Father: John Fern

Mother: Ann Astte

Elizabeth Walker - 1787 to 1868

Birth: 11 Nov 1787 Clifton, Westmorland, Englandbirth11

Death: Oct 1868 Westmorland, United Kingdomdeath11


Father: John Walker

Mother: Frances Willes

ELIZABETH WALKER - 1800 to 1880

Birth: 1800 Brothertonbirth12

Death: 9 Jan 1880 Pontefract, Yorkshire, Englanddeath12


Father: Charles Walker

Mother: Mary Standish

Elizabeth C. Walker - 1806 to 1889

Birth: 9 Jan 1806 Williamson, Tennesseebirth13

Death: 7 Aug 1889 Woodburn, Macoupin, ILdeath13


Father: Henry Walker

Mother: Mary Gibson Spencer

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Walker - 1867 to 1950

Birth: Feb 1867 Mainebirth14

Death: 9 Sep 1950 York, York, Maine, USAdeath14


Father: Elbridge Augustus Thomas

Mother: Ellen Marie(Nellie) Picott

Elizabeth C. Walker - 1806 to 1889

Birth: 9 Jan 1806 Williamson, Tennesseebirth15

Death: 7 Aug 1889 Woodburn, Macoupin, ILdeath15


Father: Henry Walker

Mother: Mary Gibson Spencer

Elizabeth Walker - 1846 to 1912

Birth: ABT 1846 Woodhousebirth16

Death: Jan 1912 Shipley, Yorkshire, Englanddeath16


Father: Henry Stephenson


Elizabeth WALKER - 1821 to 1886

Birth: 1821 Barnard Castle, Durham, Englandbirth17

Death: October 1886 Teesdale, Durhamdeath17


Father: George Walker

Mother: Rebecca Walker

Elizabeth Jane Walker - 1852 to 1915

Birth: 23 November 1852 75 Ashton Road, Ardwick, Manchester, Lancashire, Englandbirth18

Death: 20 Jul 1915 2 Park Street, Tyldesley, Lancashire, Englanddeath18


Father: Robert Walker

Mother: Margaret Foster

Elizabeth Cassander Walker - 1836 to 1900

Birth: Abt. 19 Apr 1836 Tennesseebirth19

Death: 02 Jun 1900 Benton, Franklin, Illinoisdeath19


Father: James Walker

Mother: Charlotte Craven Dean

Elizabeth B. Walker - 1894 to 1976

Birth: 26 Nov 1894 Dunbarton, New Hampshirebirth20

Death: Aug 1976 Inglewood, Los Angeles, California, USAdeath20


Father: Walter Carroll Walker

Mother: Belle Mallory Brayton

Elizabeth Walker - 1882 to 1948

Birth: 9 April 1882 Houston (Halifax), Halifax, Virginia, USAbirth21

Death: 3 Jan 1948 Danville City, Pittsylvania, VAdeath21


Father: William L. Walker

Mother: Louisa Hawkins

Elizabeth Ann Walker - 1854 to 1920

Birth: 20 September 1854 Texas, USAbirth22

Death: 20 Apr 1920 Ingram, Kerr, Texas, United Statesdeath22


Father: William Wood Walker

Mother: Loucinda Evaline Deaver

Elizabeth Jane Walker - 1832 to 1909

Birth: 19 December 1832 County Downs, Irelandbirth23

Death: 22 May 1909 Gardner, Johnson County, Kansasdeath23


Father: George Walker

Mother: Elizabeth Jane B

Elizabeth WALKER - 1801 to 1876

Birth: 29 Jul 1801 Irelandbirth24

Death: 29 September 1876 Bridgewater Center, Williams County, Ohio, USAdeath24


Father: Isaac Johns

Mother: Rhoda Littell

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