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Results for "Elizabeth 'eldy'"

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Elizabeth Weldy - 1842 to 1927

Birth: 13 Dec 1842 Bridgeton, Cumberland, New Jersey, United Statesbirth0

Death: 15 Jul 1927 Bridgeton, Cumberland, New Jerseydeath0


Father: Christian Weldy (Waelde)

Mother: Ruth Civil

Elizabeth Weldy - 1852 to 1902

Birth: 26 May 1852 Holmes County, Ohio, United States of Americabirth1

Death: 12 MAY 1902 Excelsior, Morgan, Missourdeath1


Father: Abraham K. Weldy

Mother: Nancy Anna YODER

Elizabeth Weldy - 1842 to 1927

Birth: 13 Dec 1842 Bridgeton, Cumberland, New Jersey, United Statesbirth2

Death: 15 Jul 1927 Bridgeton, Cumberland, New Jerseydeath2


Father: Christian Weldy (Waelde)

Mother: Ruth Civil

Elizabeth Weldy - 1852 to 1902

Birth: 26 May 1852 Holmes County, Ohio, United States of Americabirth3

Death: 12 MAY 1902 Excelsior, Morgan, Missourdeath3


Father: Abraham K. Weldy

Mother: Nancy Anna YODER

Elizabeth Graham Eldy - 1588 to 1622

Birth: 1588 Rimpton, Somerset, , Englandbirth4

Death: 22 Mar 1622 Jamestown, James City County, Virginia, USAdeath4


Father: Henry Eldy

Mother: Elizabeth ELDY

Elizabeth Graham Eldy - 1588 to 1622

Birth: 1588 Rimpton, Somerset, , Englandbirth5

Death: 22 Mar 1622 Jamestown, James City County, Virginia, USAdeath5


Father: Henry Eldy

Mother: Elizabeth ELDY

Elizabeth M. Weldy - 1876 to 1951

Birth: abt 1876 Michiganbirth6

Death: 8 Sep 1951 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USAdeath6


Father: Albert W Weldy

Mother: Mary Mannerow

Elizabeth Weldy - 1834 to 1867

Birth: 15 Sep 1834 NYbirth7

Death: 18 Oct 1867 NYdeath7


Father: William Weldy

Mother: Mary Weldy

Elizabeth Weldy - 1750

Birth: abt 1750 Goochland Co, VAbirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: William Weldy

Mother: Rebecca Weldy

Elizabeth Weldy - 1833 to 1899

Birth: 1833 Ohio, United Statesbirth9

Death: 13 Aug 1899 Miami, Ohio, United Statesdeath9


Father: Samuel Luke Howe

Mother: Charlotte Perrin

Elizabeth Margaret "Maggie" Weldy - 1842 to 1880

Birth: abt 1842 Jasper, Ralls, Missouri, USAbirth10

Death: abt 1880 Missouri, USAdeath10


Father: Henry Weldy

Mother: Lydia B Ledford (Taylor) (Weldy)

Elizabeth E Weldy - 1833 to 1878

Birth: 1833 Livingston Co, NYbirth11

Death: 21 JUN 1878 Allegany Co, NYdeath11


Father: John Weldy

Mother: Lydia Shutt

Elizabeth Mary Weldy - 1807 to 1876

Birth: Abt. 1807 Ohiobirth12

Death: 26 December 1876 Fairborn, Greene County, Ohio, United States of Americadeath12


Father: Christian Weldy

Mother: Susannah Groh

Elizabeth Weldy - 1764 to 1834

Birth: 1764 Hempfield, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, United Statesbirth13

Death: Apr 1834 Lancaster, Pennsylvania, United Statesdeath13


Father: Daniel Weldy

Mother: Margaret Weldy

Elizabeth Weldy - 1828 to 1905

Birth: 13 Apr 1828 Holmes, , Ohio, USAbirth14

Death: 23 Jan 1905 Madison, St Joseph, Indiana, USAdeath14


Father: JOHN Martin Weldy

Mother: Anna Barbara "Fanny" Kitch

Elizabeth Beldyk - 1926 to 2014

Birth: 12 Aug 1926 Pennsylvania, USAbirth15

Death: 24 Mar 2014 Jackson, Hinds, Mississippi, USAdeath15


Father: Dmitro Beldyk

Mother: Paraska Pearl Kobylanska

Elizabeth Beldyk - 1926 to 2014

Birth: 12 August 1926 New Hanover, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, United States of Americabirth16

Death: 24 March 2014 Jackson, Hinds, Mississippi, USAdeath16


Father: Dmitro Beldyk

Mother: Paraska Pearl Kobylanska

Elizabeth Matildy Weldy - 1836 to 1872

Birth: 30 Dec 1836 Perry Co., Mississippibirth17

Death: ABT 1872 Perry Co., Mississippideath17


Father: Thomas Peyton Weldy

Mother: Mary Matildy Tisdale

Elizabeth WELDY - 1824 to 1899

Birth: 17 JUL 1824 near Bremen, Fairfield County, Ohiobirth18

Death: 22 DEC 1899 Decatur, Adams County, Indianadeath18


Father: Peter Welty

Mother: Susannah Hottle

Elizabeth Irene "Lizzy" Feldy - 1878 to 1942

Birth: 04 Feb 1878 Monroe County, Tennessee, USAbirth19

Death: 31 May 1942 Moore County, Tennessee, USAdeath19


Father: James W Felty

Mother: Emeline Rogers

Elizabeth Weldy - 1806 to 1883

Birth: 25 January 1806 Reading, Berks Co., Pennsylvaniabirth20

Death: 21 August 1883 Reading, Berks Co., Pennsylvaniadeath20


Father: John Weldy

Mother: Maria Magdalena Christine

Elizabeth Eldy - 1881

Birth: 1881 East, Newlyn

Death: Not Available


Father: Joseph Hearn

Mother: Elizabeth Catherine

Elizabeth Graham Eldy - 1588 to 1627

Birth: 1588 Somerset, Englandbirth22

Death: Sep 1627 Jamestown, James, Virginia, USAdeath22


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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