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Results for "Edward Capman"

1 - 13 of 13 Records

Edward CAPMAN - 1861 to 1898

Birth: 1861 Toledo, Lucas, OHbirth0

Death: 29 Mar 1898 Bedford, Monroe, Michigan, USAdeath0


Father: George Frank Capman

Mother: Deborah Hallet

Edward CAPMAN - 1861 to 1898

Birth: 1861 Toledo, Lucas, OHbirth1

Death: 29 Mar 1898 Bedford, Monroe, Michigan, USAdeath1


Father: George Frank Capman

Mother: Deborah Hallet

Edward CAPMAN - 1861 to 1898

Birth: 1861 Toledo, Lucas, OHbirth2

Death: 29 Mar 1898 Bedford, Monroe, Michigan, USAdeath2


Father: George Frank Capman

Mother: Deborah Hallet

Edward Capman - 1860 to 1896

Birth: abt 1860 Canadabirth3

Death: 21 Apr 1896 Chicago, Cook, Illinoisdeath3


Father: George Capman

Mother: Cecilia Capman

Edward Capman - 1878

Birth: Abt 1878 Michiganbirth4

Death: Not Available


Father: Peter Capman

Mother: Emma Bushey

Edward Capman - 1840

Birth: 1840 Manchesterbirth5

Death: Not Available


Father: Dennis Ohare

Mother: Not Available

Edward Capman - 1842 to 1930

Birth: 1 September 1842 Clyde, Sandusky County, Ohio, United States of Americabirth6

Death: 13 Sep 1930 Chatham, Kent, Ontario, Canadadeath6


Father: Henry Capman

Mother: Not Available

Edward Capman - 1919 to 1989

Birth: 18 Sep 1919

Death: 29 Mar 1989


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Edward Capman - 1815

Birth: abt 1815

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Edward Capman - 1841

Birth: abt1841

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Edward Capman

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Edward Capman

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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