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Results for "Ebenezer Bacon"

1 - 25 of 164 Records

Ebenezer Bacon - 1789 to 1881

Birth: 2 Oct 1789 Middletown Middlesex Connecticut USAbirth0

Death: 20 Dec 1881 Connecticutdeath0


Father: Benjamin Bacon

Mother: Abiah Cornwall/Cornwell

Ebenezer Shepherd Bacon - 1829 to 1904

Birth: Aug 1829 Barnstable, Massachusetts, USAbirth1

Death: 22 Feb 1904 Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USAdeath1


Father: Daniel C Bacon

Mother: Desire Taylor Gorham

Ebenezer Bacon - 1796 to 1872

Birth: 26 Aug 1796 St Bride, London, Englandbirth2

Death: 18 Mar 1872 Pancras, Londondeath2


Father: James Bacon

Mother: Eleanor Robinson

Ebenezer BACON - 1788 to 1853

Birth: 30 Mar 1788 Vermont, USAbirth3

Death: 14 May 1853 Brewersville, Jennings, Indiana, USAdeath3


Father: Daniel Bacon

Mother: Olive Darbe

Ebenezer BACON - 1788 to 1853

Birth: 30 Mar 1788 Vermont, USAbirth4

Death: 14 May 1853 Brewersville, Jennings, Indiana, USAdeath4


Father: Daniel Bacon

Mother: Olive Darbe

Ebenezer Bacon - 1759 to 1817

Birth: 2 September 1759 Lebanon, New London, Connecticut, United Statesbirth5

Death: 13 March 1817 Bacon Hill, Saratoga, New York, United Statesdeath5


Father: Ebenezer Bacon

Mother: Lydia Lothrop

Ebenezer Cain Bacon - 1858 to 1936

Birth: Oct 1858 Canny Hill, Durham, Englandbirth6

Death: Jun 1936 Sunderland, Northumberland, Englanddeath6


Father: John Woburn

Mother: Ann Bacon

Ebenezer Cain Bacon - 1858 to 1936

Birth: Oct 1858 Canny Hill, Durham, Englandbirth7

Death: Jun 1936 Sunderland, Northumberland, Englanddeath7


Father: John Woburn

Mother: Ann Bacon

Ebenezer Bacon - 1759 to 1817

Birth: 2 September 1759 Lebanon, New London, Connecticut, United Statesbirth8

Death: 13 March 1817 Bacon Hill, Saratoga, New York, United Statesdeath8


Father: Ebenezer Bacon

Mother: Lydia Lothrop

Ebenezer Bacon - 1759 to 1817

Birth: 2 September 1759 Lebanon, New London, Connecticut, United Statesbirth9

Death: 13 March 1817 Bacon Hill, Saratoga, New York, United Statesdeath9


Father: Ebenezer Bacon

Mother: Lydia Lothrop

Ebenezer Bacon - 1716 to 1780

Birth: 5 Mar 1716 Norwich, New London, Connecticut, USAbirth10

Death: Jun 1780 Suffield, Hartford, Connecticut, USAdeath10


Father: John Bacon

Mother: Marcy Foster

Ebenezer Bacon - 1706 to 1771

Birth: 1706 Charlestown, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United Statesbirth11

Death: 24 Apr 1771 Dudley, Worcester Co., Massachusettsdeath11


Father: Ephraim Bacon

Mother: Elizabeth Griggs

Ebenezer Bacon - 1788 to 1818

Birth: 28 SEP 1788 Sidney, Kennebec, Maine, United Statesbirth12

Death: 17 FEB 1818 Sidney, Kennebec, Maine, United Statesdeath12


Father: Dr. Bacon

Mother: Abigail Marsh

Ebenezer Bacon - 1715 to 1768

Birth: 08 Aug 1715 Roxbury, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United Statesbirth13

Death: 05 Jul 1768 Pomfret, Windham, Connecticut, United Statesdeath13


Father: * Isaac Bacon

Mother: * Abigail Broadhurst

Ebenezer Bacon - 1716 to 1782

Birth: 5 MAR 1716 Norwich Twp,New London,Conneticutbirth14

Death: 1782 New Ashford, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United Statesdeath14


Father: John Bacon

Mother: Hannah Bacon

Ebenezer Bacon - 1778 to 1853

Birth: 1778 Washington, Russell, Virginia, United Statesbirth15

Death: sept 1853 Warren, Kentucky, United Statesdeath15


Father: Jonathan Bacon

Mother: Zipporah Goulding

Ebenezer Bacon - 1746 to 1749

Birth: 6 Apr 1746 Canterbury, Windham, Connecticut, United Statesbirth16

Death: 11 Sep 1749 Enfield, Hartford, Connecticut, United Statesdeath16


Father: Ebenezer Bacon

Mother: Marjorie Markham (Bacon)

Ebenezer W Bacon - 1846 to 1934

Birth: 17 May 1846 Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut, USAbirth17

Death: 01 Feb 1934 Middletown, Middlesex, Connecticut, USAdeath17


Father: Albert Bacon

Mother: Lydia Hart Wilcox

Ebenezer Simeon Bacon - 1853

Birth: Jan 1853 Hamilton, Ontario, Canadabirth18

Death: Not Available


Father: Rueben Bacon

Mother: Sarah Elizabeth Windsor

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