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Results for "Domenico Santilli"

1 - 25 of 138 Records

Domenico Santilli - 1899 to 1981

Birth: 27 FEB 1899 Tocco da Casauria, Pescara, Abruzzo, Italybirth0

Death: Jan 1981 Wisconsin, USAdeath0


Father: Eustachio Santilli

Mother: Liberata TARQUINIO

Domenico Santilli - 1866 to 1957

Birth: 05 Apr 1866 Gissi, Abruzzo, Italybirth1

Death: 1957 Holborn, Londondeath1


Father: Carlo Leonardo Santilli

Mother: Elisabetta Incoronata Merlino

Domenico SANTILLI - 1856 to 1928

Birth: 20 Apr 1856 Tocco da Casauria, Pescara, Abruzzo, Italybirth2

Death: 30 Apr 1928 Tocco da Casauria, Pescara, Abruzzo, Italydeath2


Father: Pasquale SANTILLI

Mother: Elisabetta RIZIO-SANTILLI

Domenico SANTILLI - 1856 to 1928

Birth: 20 Apr 1856 Tocco da Casauria, Pescara, Abruzzo, Italybirth3

Death: 30 Apr 1928 Tocco da Casauria, Pescara, Abruzzo, Italydeath3


Father: Pasquale SANTILLI

Mother: Elisabetta RIZIO-SANTILLI

Domenico Nicola Santilli - 1792 to 1885

Birth: ABT 1792 Pietracupa, Campobasso, Molise, Italybirth4

Death: 16 Dec 1885 Pietracupa, Campobasso, Molise, Italydeath4


Father: Vincenzo Santilli

Mother: Rivocata Rulli

Domenico Nicola Santilli - 1792 to 1885

Birth: ABT 1792 Pietracupa, Campobasso, Molise, Italybirth5

Death: 16 Dec 1885 Pietracupa, Campobasso, Molise, Italydeath5


Father: Vincenzo Santilli

Mother: Rivocata Rulli

Domenico SANTILLI - 1816 to 1861

Birth: ABT 1816 San Giovanni Incarico, Frosinone, Italybirth6

Death: 27 JUL 1861 San Giovanni Incarico, Frosinone, Italydeath6


Father: Giuseppe Onorio Santilli

Mother: Maria Sassi

Domenico SANTILLI - 1864 to 1920

Birth: 23 APR 1864 Casentino, L'Aquila, Abruzzo, Italybirth7

Death: ABT 1920


Father: Giacomo Santilli

Mother: Maria Loreta Cerini

Domenico SANTILLI - 1864 to 1920

Birth: 23 APR 1864 Casentino, L'Aquila, Abruzzo, Italybirth8

Death: ABT 1920


Father: Giacomo Santilli

Mother: Maria Loreta Cerini

Domenico SANTILLI - 1864 to 1920

Birth: 23 APR 1864 Casentino, L'Aquila, Abruzzo, Italybirth9

Death: ABT 1920


Father: Giacomo Santilli

Mother: Maria Loreta Cerini

Domenico Santilli - 1851

Birth: 1851 Tocco da Casauria, Pescara, Abruzzo, Italybirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: Vincenzo Santilli



Birth: 08 Aug 1805 PRATOLA PELIGNA, L'AQUILA, ITALYbirth11

Death: Not Available





Birth: 08 Aug 1805 PRATOLA PELIGNA, L'AQUILA, ITALYbirth12

Death: Not Available




Domenico SANTILLI - 1890 to 1891

Birth: 8 Aug 1890 Tocco da Casauria, Pescara, Abruzzo, Italybirth13

Death: 17 Jun 1891 Tocco da Casauria, Pescara, Abruzzo, Italydeath13


Father: Cesare SANTILLI

Mother: Pietronilda Chiara DICICCIO-SANTILLI

Domenico Santilli - 1796

Birth: 15/8/1796 Castelvecchio Subequo, L'Aquila, Abruzzo, Italiabirth14

Death: Not Available


Father: Berardino Francesco Santilli

Mother: Anna Lattanzi

Domenico SANTILLI - 1837 to 1889

Birth: 6 Nov 1837 Tocco da Casauria, Pescara, Abruzzo, Italybirth15

Death: 5 Nov 1889 Tocco da Casauria, Pescara, Abruzzo, Italydeath15


Father: Antonio SANTILLI


Domenico SANTILLI - 1899 to 1981

Birth: 27 Feb 1899 Tocco da Casauria, Pescara, Abruzzo, Italybirth16

Death: Jan 1981 Wisconsin, USAdeath16


Father: Eustachio Santilli

Mother: Liberata TARQUINIO

Domenico Santilli - 1905 to 2000

Birth: 17 DEC 1905 Pratola Peligna, L'Aquila, Italybirth17

Death: 25 Dec 2000 Pratola Peligna, L'Aquila, Italydeath17


Father: Donato Santilli

Mother: Virgilla De Cesare

Domenico Antonio Santilli

Birth: Not Available Pratola Peligna, Abruzzo, Italybirth18

Death: 12/6/1803 Pratola Peligna, Abruzzo, Italydeath18


Father: Francesco SANTILLI

Mother: Not Available

Domenico Antonio Santilli

Birth: Not Available Pratola Peligna, Abruzzo, Italybirth19

Death: 12/6/1803 Pratola Peligna, Abruzzo, Italydeath19


Father: Francesco SANTILLI

Mother: Not Available

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