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Results for "Charles Brigance"

1 - 25 of 52 Records
Female IconMale Icon

Charles Newton Brigance

Birth: 29 Oct 1877 Hickman, KY.

Death: 6 Nov 1949 Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, Michigan


Father: John Henry Brigance

Mother: Martha Elizabeth Moxley

Female IconMale Icon

Charles Newton Brigance

Birth: 29 Oct 1877 Hickman, KY.

Death: 6 Nov 1949 Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, Michigan


Father: John Henry Brigance

Mother: Martha Elizabeth Moxley

Female IconMale Icon

Charles Tommie Brigance

Birth: 16 Apr 1939 Ohio, TN

Death: 10 Aug 2003 Lafayette Tippecanoe In USA


Father: Raymond Henry Brigance

Mother: Jimmie S. Brackin

Female IconMale Icon

Charles Terry Brigance

Birth: 01 Jul 1971 Holly Springs, Marshall, Mississippi, USA

Death: 20 Mar 2007 Southaven, De Soto, Mississippi, USA


Father: Jack Neal Brigance

Mother: Ollie Ford

Female IconMale Icon

Charles Seaton Brigance

Birth: July 26, 1853 Robertson County, Texas, USA

Death: 9 April 1909 Travis County, Texas, USA


Father: Alphred Lawrence Brigance

Mother: Elizabeth Hudspeth

Female IconMale Icon

Charles Newton Brigance

Birth: 4 Sep 1790 Sumner, Tennessee, USA

Death: 27 May 1885 Franklin, Robertson, Texas, USA


Father: David Brigance

Mother: Martha Hardin

Female IconMale Icon

Charles V Brigance

Birth: abt 1930 Mississippi

Death: 1942 Mount Olive, Covington, Mississippi, USA


Father: Roy R. Brigance

Mother: Margaret Smith

Female IconMale Icon

Charles Brigance

Birth: 1780 North Carolina, USA

Death: abt 1850 Humphreys County, Tennessee


Father: William C. Brigance

Mother: Elizabeth Brigance

Female IconMale Icon

Charles E Brigance

Birth: 18 May 1932 Missouri, USA

Death: 21 Apr 2019


Father: Charles Cecil Briggance

Mother: Edna Mae Hale

Female IconMale Icon

Charles Brigance

Birth: 1780 North Carolina, USA

Death: abt 1850 Humphreys County, Tennessee, USA


Father: Corp. John Brigance

Mother: Katherine Caty (Brigance)

Female IconMale Icon

Charles Brigance

Birth: 1784 Tennessee, USA

Death: 1830 Phillips, Arkansas, United States


Father: William C. Brigance

Mother: Catherine "Patsy" Brigance

Female IconMale Icon

Charles Ralph Brigance

Birth: 27 Jan 1930 Mabank, Kaufman, TX

Death: 19 Sep 1994 Missouri City, Fort Bend, TX


Father: Jessie Ralph Brigance

Mother: Stella Leslie Waller

Female IconMale Icon

Charles Seaton Brigance

Birth: 26 Jul 1853 Robertson County, Texas, USA

Death: 09 Apr 1909 Austin, Travis Co.Texas


Father: Alphred Lawrence Brigance

Mother: Elizabeth Hudspeth

Female IconMale Icon

Charles Willis Brigance

Birth: 1849 Grimes, county Texas

Death: Not Available


Father: Harvey Brigance

Mother: Mary Jane Hester Roan

Female IconMale Icon

Charles T Brigance

Birth: 1959

Death: Not Available


Father: Charles Tommie Brigance

Mother: Patricia Joann Wallen

Female IconMale Icon

Charles C Brigance

Birth: 8 Dec 1917 Todd, Kentucky

Death: 13 May 1972 Russellville, Logan, Kentucky, USA


Father: Jasper Alexander Brigance

Mother: Mary M Driskill

Female IconMale Icon

Charles Cecil Brigance

Birth: 30 Oct 1904 Missouri

Death: 30 Jan 1976 Kalamazoo County, Michigan, USA


Father: Charles Newton Brigance

Mother: May Rebecca Pullen

Female IconMale Icon

Charles Lamar Brigance

Birth: 24 July 1934 Chilton County, Alabama, USA

Death: 19 July 2008 Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, USA


Father: Leon Lamar Brigance

Mother: Marie Stroud

Female IconMale Icon

Charles Franklin Brigance

Birth: 6 November 1859 Texas

Death: 20 Aug 1883 Pierce, City, Missouri


Father: Phagan Brigance

Mother: Martha Ann Roan

Female IconMale Icon

Charles Ralph Brigance

Birth: 1961

Death: Not Available


Father: Charles Ralph Brigance

Mother: Nancy Jane Davis

Female IconMale Icon

Charles Ruth Brigance

Birth: 9 Sep 1919 Texas

Death: 20 June 1921 Kirk,Limestone,Texas


Father: James Bunyan Brigance

Mother: Maxie Lou David

Female IconMale Icon

Charles Franklin BRIGANCE

Birth: 12 Jun 1918 Houston, Texas, USA

Death: 24 Apr 1997


Father: Alfred Franklin BRIGANCE

Mother: Camille Elizabeth Brigance

Female IconMale Icon

Charles R Brigance

Birth: 1965

Death: Not Available


Father: Eldon Ray Brigance

Mother: Doris Marie Tennyson

Female IconMale Icon

Charles T Brigance

Birth: Oct 1886 Travis Co., Texas

Death: 16 Mar 1931


Father: C S Brigance

Mother: Franes Averyt

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