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Results for "catharina bar"

Name: Catharina Bar

Birth: 05 Nov. 1726 Altenheim Neuried

Death: 15 Feb. 1788 Altenheim Neuried

Father: Hannss Bär

Mother: Sabina Diebold

Name: Catharina Bar

Birth: 1649 Ottenbach, Zurich, Switzerland

Death: 1682

Father: Hanß Bähr (Bar)

Mother: Anna Syedler

Name: Catharina Bar

Birth: 1731 Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 1754 , Washington, Maryland

Father: Hans Michael Baer/Bar

Mother: Anna Elizabeth Ott

Name: Catharina (Bahr) Bar

Birth: Dec 1766 -, Huttengesass, Hessen-Nassau, Prussia

Death: 13 Jul 1769 Neckarhausen

Father: Johann Bar

Mother: Catharina Bender

Name: Catharina Bar

Birth: 25 Oct 1883 Zichyfalva, Austria Hungary

Death: 13 Jan 1946 Rudolfsgnad Concentration Camp, Yugoslavia

Father: Andreas Bär

Mother: Elizabetha Schneider

Name: Catharina Bar

Birth: ABT 1732 Lancaster, Pennsylvania, United States

Death: 1754 Washington, Maryland

Father: Hans Michael Baer

Mother: Anna Elizabeth Ott


Birth: MAR 23,1863 Zuzenhausen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Death: AUG 20,1863 Zuzenhausen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Father: PETER BAR/Baehr

Mother: Catharina Bär

Name: Catharina Barbara Bar

Birth: 1831

Death: 28 Sept 1831

Father: Kaspar Bär

Mother: Eva Elisabetha Reinhard Bar

Name: Catharina Bar

Birth: 1649 Meiringen, Bern, Switzerland

Death: 1682

Father: Oswald. BAR

Mother: Elizabeth Lamprecht

Name: Catharina (Bahr) Bar

Birth: Dec 1766 Huettengesass, Hessen-Nassau, Prussia

Death: Not Available

Father: Johann Georg (Bahr) Bar

Mother: Catharina Bender

Name: Catharina Bar

Birth: 1731 Lancaster, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, United States

Death: Not Available

Father: Jacob Bear

Mother: Anna Barbara Frederick

Name: Catharina Bar

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Georgius Bar

Mother: Catharna Ignácz

Name: Catharina Bar

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Joannes Bar

Mother: Barbara Cupko

Name: Catharina Bar

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Micahel Bar

Mother: Helena Bohus

Name: Catharina Bar

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Istok Bar

Mother: Anna Ramich

Name: Catharina Bar

Birth: ABT 1595 Obereggenen, Schliengen, Lörrach, Baden-Württemberg, Germany


Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Catharina Bar

Birth: 1573 Calw, Calw, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany

Death: 1610 Kilchberg, Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Catharina Bar

Birth: 1686

Death: 1747

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Catharina Bar

Birth: Abt. 1830

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Catharina Bar

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

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