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Results for "Calvin Ballou"

1 - 13 of 13 Records

Calvin C Ballou - 1923 to 1993

Birth: 21 Jun 1923 Spencer, Massachusetts, USAbirth0

Death: 18 Apr 1993 Athol, Worcester, Massachusetts, USAdeath0


Father: Leonard J Ballou

Mother: Lorna H Fuller

Calvin C Ballou - 1923 to 1993

Birth: 21 Jun 1923 Spencer, Massachusetts, USAbirth1

Death: 18 Apr 1993 Athol, Worcester, Massachusetts, USAdeath1


Father: Leonard J Ballou

Mother: Lorna H Fuller

Calvin S Ballou - 1862 to 1899

Birth: 16 Jan 1862 Massena, St Lawrence, New York, USAbirth2

Death: 29 Nov 1899 Chase Mills, St Lawrence, New York, USAdeath2


Father: Oscar Amos Ballou

Mother: Sarah Ann Ballou

Calvin Ballou - 1863 to 1885

Birth: 9 Apr 1863 Pulaski, Kentucky, United Statesbirth3

Death: 26 Oct 1885


Father: Meridith Ballou

Mother: Parleina Jane Rose

Calvin Ballou - 1863 to 1885

Birth: 9 Apr 1863 Pulaski, Kentucky, United Statesbirth4

Death: 26 Oct 1885


Father: Meridith Ballou

Mother: Parleina Jane Rose

Calvin Richard Ballou - 1947 to 2002

Birth: 07 Jul 1947 Montague Massbirth5

Death: 24 Aug 2002 Athol Memorial Hospitaldeath5


Father: Calvin Coolidge Ballou

Mother: Adelaide Cora Wheeler

Calvin Otho Ballou - 1948 to 2015

Birth: 4 April 1948 Pulaski, Kentucky, USAbirth6

Death: 17 May 2015 Conroe, Montgomery, Texas, USAdeath6


Father: Wilburn Ballou

Mother: Bertha S. Davis

Calvin Marion Ballou - 1854 to 1858

Birth: Abt. 1854 Grayson County, Virginiabirth7

Death: 11 Oct 1858 Grayson County, Virginiadeath7


Father: Andrew Baker Ballew

Mother: Alpha Omega Waddle

Calvin Preston Ballou - 1896 to 1937

Birth: 29 Aug 1896 Glade Spring, Washington, Virginia, United Statesbirth8

Death: 17 Jul 1937


Father: Robert Lee Ballou

Mother: Flora Lavonia Folden

Calvin Ballou - 1845

Birth: 1845 Kkentucky

Death: Not Available


Father: THOMAS Bellew

Mother: Matilda Wells

Calvin Ballou - 1924 to 1961

Birth: jan,1924 sumerset,kybirth10

Death: 1961 Forrest County, Mississippideath10


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available


Birth: Not Available

Death: Deceased D


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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