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Results for "Benjamin Berkowitz"

1 - 25 of 276 Records
Female IconMale Icon

Benjamin Berkowitz

Birth: 1886 Lithuania

Death: 18 Mar 1935 Superior, Wisconsin


Father: Israel Berkowitz

Mother: Ester Esztera ViGUSER BERKOWiTZ

Female IconMale Icon

Benjamin Berkowitz

Birth: 29 Aug 1903 New York

Death: 1984 Teaneck, Bergen, New Jersey, USA


Father: Morris Berkowitz

Mother: Yetta Berkowitz

Female IconMale Icon

Benjamin Berkowitz

Birth: 1886 Schultz, Russia

Death: 1971 Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio, United States


Father: Ruben Berkowitz

Mother: Bella Rachael

Female IconMale Icon

Benjamin Berkowitz

Birth: 15 Jul 1885 Hungary

Death: 20 Sep 1939 Kings, New York, USA


Father: Irving Berkowitz

Mother: Rose Bellorin Berkowitz

Female IconMale Icon

Benjamin James Berkowitz

Birth: 19 Nov 1907 Atlantic City, Atlantic, New Jersey, USA

Death: 04 Jun 1984 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA


Father: Louis Berkowitz

Mother: Carrie Abrams Berkowitz

Female IconMale Icon

Benjamin Berkowitz

Birth: abt 1894 New York

Death: In his twenties Brooklyn, New York, USA


Father: Samuel Berkowitz

Mother: Clara Gruen

Female IconMale Icon

Benjamin Berkowitz

Birth: 1847 Hungary

Death: 13 Dec 1928 Kings County (Brooklyn), New York, United States of America


Father: Moses Berkowitz

Mother: Ester Berkowvicz

Female IconMale Icon

Benjamin Berkowitz

Birth: abt 1891 Romania

Death: 27 Feb 1970


Father: Morris Berkowitz

Mother: Nesse Solomowitz

Female IconMale Icon

Benjamin Berkowitz

Birth: 1892 Yassi Romania

Death: Jul 1963


Father: Samuel Berkovich Berkowitz

Mother: Rachel Berkowitz

Female IconMale Icon

Benjamin Berkowitz

Birth: 1892 Yassi Romania

Death: Jul 1963


Father: Samuel Berkovich Berkowitz

Mother: Rachel Berkowitz

Female IconMale Icon

Benjamin Berkowitz

Birth: 7 Aug 1912 New York City, New York

Death: 7 Aug 1998 Jersey City, Hudson, New Jersey, USA


Father: Joseph Berkowitz

Mother: Rebecca Prefer

Female IconMale Icon

Benjamin Berkowitz

Birth: abt 1890 Romania

Death: Jul 1967 Brooklyn, Kings, New York, USA


Father: Berman Berkowitz

Mother: Hannah Davidowitz

Female IconMale Icon

Benjamin Berkowitz

Birth: 25 October 1908 New York

Death: 27 June 2001


Father: Max Berkowitz

Mother: Fanny Freida Siegel

Female IconMale Icon

Benjamin Joseph Berkowitz

Birth: 11 Aug 1895 Manhattan, New York, USA

Death: 22 Jul 1954 New York, New York, USA


Father: Henry Berkowitz

Mother: Annie

Female IconMale Icon

Benjamin Berkowitz

Birth: abt 1909 New York

Death: Not Available


Father: Samuel Berkowitz

Mother: Ettie Berkowitz

Female IconMale Icon

Benjamin Ray Berkowitz

Birth: abt 1908 Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, USA

Death: 1978 Detroit, Michigan, USA


Father: Joseph Berkowitz

Mother: Rose Berkowitz

Female IconMale Icon

Benjamin Berkowitz

Birth: 7 Sep 1915 Rochester, Monroe, New York, USA

Death: Not Available


Father: Moses Berkowitz

Mother: Edith Berk

Female IconMale Icon

Benjamin Berkowitz

Birth: 15 Oct 1890 New York, New York

Death: 27 Feb 1970 Miami, Miami-Dade, Florida


Father: Moshe Abel "Morris" Berkowitz nee Borkowski

Mother: Yetta Goodman

Female IconMale Icon

Benjamin Berkowitz

Birth: 29 Aug 1903 Bronx, New York City, New York, USA

Death: Oct 1974 Bronx, Bronx, New York, USA


Father: Morris Berkowitz

Mother: Yetta Unknown

Female IconMale Icon

Benjamin Berkowitz

Birth: Abt 1861 Hungary

Death: 18 Aug 1940 Bellevue Hospital, Manhattan


Father: Leopold Berkowitz

Mother: Esther Klein

Female IconMale Icon

Benjamin " Ben " BERKOWITZ

Birth: 8 Sep 1883 Romania

Death: 11 Dec 1940 Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, USA


Father: Israel BERKOWITZ

Mother: Lea GOLD

Female IconMale Icon

Benjamin Berkowitz

Birth: Dec 1892 Hungary

Death: 30 Jul 1963 Cuyahoga County, Cuyahoga, Ohio


Father: William Berkowitz

Mother: Fani Grossman

Female IconMale Icon

Benjamin Berkowitz

Birth: 13 Jan 1923 Brooklyn, New York

Death: 31 Mar 1986 Ocala, Marion, Florida, USA


Father: Abraham W Berkowitz

Mother: Esther Belkin

Female IconMale Icon

Benjamin Berkowitz

Birth: abt 1893 Ohio

Death: 30 Jul 1963 Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio


Father: Morris Berkowitz

Mother: Esther Smolitz

Female IconMale Icon

Benjamin Berkowitz

Birth: 9 Jan 1906 New York City (All Boroughs), New York, USA

Death: 24 Jun 1988 Far Rockaway, Queens, New York, USA


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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