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Results for "Arthur Wright"

1 - 25 of 8,883 Records

ARTHUR WRIGHT - 1861 to 1940


Death: Mar 1940 Ilford, Essex, Englanddeath0


Father: Thomas Wright

Mother: Esther Weatherly

Arthur C Wright - 1875 to 1951

Birth: 1875 Ohio, United Statesbirth1

Death: 25 Nov 1951 Ohio, United Statesdeath1


Father: George Wright

Mother: Ann Parr

Arthur Robert Wright - 1892 to 1930

Birth: 25 OCT 1892 Houston County, MNbirth2

Death: 21 Dec 1930 Montana, USAdeath2


Father: George W. Wright

Mother: Jensina (Jane) Lee

Arthur Wright - 1832 to 1924

Birth: 17 Oct 1832 Saint Johnsbury, Caledonia, Vermont, USAbirth3

Death: 13 Apr 1924 Saint Petersburg, Pinellas, Florida, USAdeath3


Father: Calvin Jewett Wright

Mother: Hannah Nelson Moore

Arthur Lisman Wright - 1877 to 1935

Birth: 1877 Elmira, , New Yorkbirth4

Death: 06 Jul 1935 Williamsport, Lycoming, Pennsylvania, USAdeath4


Father: Clarence Leander Wright

Mother: Anna Belle Meacham

Arthur J Wright - 1927 to 1992

Birth: 7 Apr 1927 West Virginia, United Statesbirth5

Death: May 9, 1992 Columbus, Franklin, Ohio, USAdeath5


Father: Ernest Thomas Wright

Mother: Mamie Margaret Vandyke

Arthur Wright - 1929 to 2006

Birth: 3 Mar 1929 Chesterfield County, South Carolina, USAbirth6

Death: 13 Jun 2006 Rock Hill, York County, South Carolina, USAdeath6


Father: Dwight Thompson Wright

Mother: Leavy WATTS

Arthur W Wright - 1905 to 1998

Birth: 26 Jul 1905 Little York, Cortland Co. NYbirth7

Death: 15 Jun 1998 Pasco County, Floridadeath7


Father: Rollin Egbert Wright

Mother: Adelia H. Huntley

Arthur Wright - 1863 to 1938

Birth: abt 1863 Pone's Mill, Lichfield, Staffordshire.birth8

Death: 1938 Lichfield, Staffordshire, Englanddeath8


Father: Richard Wright

Mother: Sarah Mott

arthur leonard wright - 1884 to 1971

Birth: 25 Aug 1884 Elmore Co. AL, USbirth9

Death: 31 july 1971 East Tallassee, Tallapoosa, Alabama, USAdeath9


Father: William Peyton Wright

Mother: Mary A Weathers

Arthur Adam WRIGHT - 1916 to 1983

Birth: 2 Feb 1916 Kemper County, Mississippibirth10

Death: 03 Aug 1983 Newton, Mississippi, USAdeath10




Arthur J. Wright - 1865 to 1936

Birth: 15 Oct 1865 Hillsboro, Highland County, Ohiobirth11

Death: 23 Apr 1936 Macomb, McDonough County, Illinoisdeath11


Father: John Alfred Wright

Mother: Elva Brown

Arthur Wright - 1851 to 1913

Birth: 12 July 1851 Iowa, USAbirth12

Death: 01 Feb 1913 Kansasdeath12


Father: John Rogers Wright

Mother: Susan Lowman

Arthur L. Wright - 1872 to 1927

Birth: 27 Sep 1872 Missouribirth13

Death: 1927 Moran, Allen County, Kansas, USAdeath13


Father: George William Wright

Mother: Margaret Hogan

Arthur Hollett Wright - 1882 to 1956

Birth: 28 Mar 1882 Belmont, Ohiobirth14

Death: 20 Aug 1956 Columbus, Ohiodeath14


Father: John M. Wright

Mother: Ann Eliza Poulson

Arthur Charles Wright - 1879 to 1948

Birth: 8 Dec 1879 Markyate, Hertfordshire, Englandbirth15

Death: 7 Feb 1948 Markyate, Hertfordshire, Englanddeath15


Father: William Wright

Mother: Elizabeth Punter

Arthur D Wright - 1880 to 1970

Birth: July 1880 Ontario, Canadabirth16

Death: 22 Oct 1970 Saint-Thomas, Ontario, Canadadeath16




Arthur H Wright - 1883 to 1918

Birth: Nov 1883 Californiabirth17

Death: 29 Oct 1918 Californiadeath17


Father: Charles A. Wright

Mother: Ella B. Wright

Arthur Harcomb WRIGHT - 1913 to 1980

Birth: 15 Mar 1913 Glasgow, Scotlandbirth18

Death: 1980 Burlington, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USAdeath18


Father: John Wright

Mother: Jane Smith Broadfoot

Arthur Shelly Wright - 1874 to 1954

Birth: 13 Aug 1874 Clark, Illinois, USAbirth19

Death: 14 Feb 1954 Pawhuska, Oklahomadeath19


Father: Joseph Linos Wright

Mother: Catharine R. Boney

Arthur J Wright - 1926 to 1998

Birth: 2 May 1926 Macon, Bibb, Georgia, USAbirth20

Death: 08 Apr 1998 Bibb, Georgiadeath20


Father: George Washington Wright

Mother: Connie E GREGORY Wright

Arthur Vohley Wright - 1894 to 1946

Birth: 7 Dec 1894 Bexar County, Texas, USAbirth21

Death: 30 Jun 1946 Bexar, Texasdeath21


Father: Alfred Wright

Mother: Josephine Carothers

Arthur Darwin Wright - 1918 to 1981

Birth: Abt. 1918 Ohiobirth22

Death: 4 Nov 1981 Columbus, Ohio, United Statesdeath22


Father: Charles Wright

Mother: Gaynelle Maple Orndorff

Arthur L. Wright - 1903 to 1977

Birth: 1 Mar 1903 Oklahomabirth23

Death: 18 Mar 1977 Sapulpa, Creek, Oklahoma, USAdeath23


Father: John Caril Wright

Mother: Georgia Ann Wolf

Arthur Lewis Wright - 1924 to 2005

Birth: 12 Apr 1924 Butler, Adams, Pennsylvania, USAbirth24

Death: 24 Mar 2005 Butler, Butler, Pennsylvaniadeath24


Father: George Calvin Wright

Mother: Opal Ann martin

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