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Results for "Antonio Navarra"

1 - 25 of 56 Records

Antonio "Tony" Navarra - 1895 to 1971

Birth: 13 Sep 1895 Trabia, Palermo, Sicilia, Italybirth0

Death: 26 Jan 1971 San Mateo County, California, USAdeath0


Father: Antonino Navarra

Mother: Salvatora Scaletta

Antonio Navarra - 1816 to 1878

Birth: 1816 Barete, L'Aquila, Abruzzo, Italybirth1

Death: 1878


Father: Pasquale Navarra

Mother: Lucia Navarra

Antonio Navarra - 1910 to 1990

Birth: giugno 1910 Barete, L'Aquila, Abruzzo, Italiabirth2

Death: 16 febbraio 1990 Albano Laziale, Roma, Lazio, Italiadeath2


Father: Nicola Navarra

Mother: Cristna Navarra

Antonio Navarra - 1887 to 1963

Birth: 23 Oct 1887 Trabia, Palermo, Sicilia, Italybirth3

Death: 3 Aug 1963 Oregon, USAdeath3


Father: Ignazio Navarra

Mother: Rose D'India

Antonio NAVARRA - 1896 to 1971

Birth: 1896 Palermo, Palermo, Sicilia, Italybirth4

Death: 26 January 1971 San Mateo County, California, United States of Americadeath4


Father: Antonio Nino Navarra

Mother: Dorothy Sarah SCALETTA

ANTONIO NAVARRA - 1902 to 1968

Birth: 1902 Alcamo, Trapani, Sicilia, Italybirth5

Death: 31 Oct 1968 Messina, Messina, Sicilia, Italiadeath5




Antonio Navarra - 1912

Birth: 1912 USAbirth6

Death: Not Available


Father: Anthony Navarro

Mother: Lorenza Navarra

Antonio Anthony Joseph Navarra - 1913 to 2004

Birth: 4 October 1913 Brooklyn, Kings, New York, USAbirth7

Death: 20 Oct 2004 Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, USAdeath7


Father: Giuseppe Joseph Navarra

Mother: Maria Mary Palazzolo Navarra

Antonio Navarra - 1834

Birth: 1834

Death: Not Available


Father: Guiseppe Navarra

Mother: Alesandra Fioravanti

Antonio Navarra - 1879

Birth: 24 October 1879 San Potito Sannitico, Caserta, Campania, Italybirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: Filippo Navarra

Mother: Luisa Pitò

Antonio Navarra - 1470

Birth: ABT 1470 España, Logroño, Navarrete, Rioja

Death: Not Available


Father: Antonio Navarra

Mother: Dochter Van Aragon

antonio navarra - 1909 to 1971

Birth: 1909 romabirth11

Death: 1971


Father: riccardo navarra

Mother: emilia ciminelli

Antonio Navarra - 1909

Birth: 1 Jan 1909 Mcnett, Lycoming, Pennsylvania, USAbirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Julius Navarra

Mother: Benedicta "Betty" Tersigni

Antonio Navarra - 1895

Birth: Oct 1895 Texasbirth13

Death: Not Available


Father: Abhram Navarro

Mother: Theresa Navarro

Antonio Navarra - 1965 to 1965

Birth: 1965

Death: 27 Sept 1965 Villa García, Zacatecas, Méxicodeath14


Father: Enrique Navarra

Mother: Not Available

Antonio Di Pasquale Navarra - 1886 to 1960

Birth: 19 June 1886 Italybirth15

Death: 17 March 1960 DuBois, Clearfield, Pennsylvania, USAdeath15


Father: Pasquale Navarra

Mother: Not Available

Antonio Navarra - 1860

Birth: 1860 Italybirth16

Death: Not Available Italydeath16


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Antonio Navarra - 1885

Birth: abt 1885 Mexicobirth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Antonio Nino Navarra - 1861 to 1937

Birth: 1861 Italybirth18

Death: 29 Jan 1937 San Jose, Santa Clara, Californiadeath18


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Antonio Navarra - 1830

Birth: abt 1830 Italybirth19

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Antonio Navarra - 1889 to 1984

Birth: 17 Jan 1889 Siena, Toscana, Italybirth20

Death: 1984 Waynesburg, Stark, Ohio, USAdeath20


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Antonio Navarra - 1885 to 1924

Birth: 3/29/1885 Salaparuta, Sicilia, Italybirth21

Death: 3/16/1924 Madison, Wisconsin, USAdeath21


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Antonio Navarra - 1700

Birth: ABT 1700 Gela, 93012, Italybirth22

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Antonio Navarra - 1821

Birth: 1821 Italybirth23

Death: Not Available Italydeath23


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Antonio Navarra - 1860

Birth: 1860 Italybirth24

Death: Not Available Italydeath24


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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