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Results for "Anna Peglow"

1 - 25 of 56 Records
Female IconMale Icon

Anna Peglow

Birth: 1865 La Porte, La Porte, Indiana

Death: Bef. 1900 Cool Springs, La Porte, Indiana


Father: William Peglow

Mother: Unknown F. Spouse

Female IconMale Icon

Anna Peglow

Birth: 1865 La Porte, La Porte, Indiana

Death: Bef. 1900 Cool Springs, La Porte, Indiana


Father: William Peglow

Mother: Unknown F. Spouse

Female IconMale Icon

Anna Peglow

Birth: 14 Jan 1800 Güdenhagen, Kreis Köslin, Pommern, Polen

Death: 14 Sep 1870 Neuenhagen, Kreis Köslin, Pommern, Deutschland


Father: Martin PEGLOW

Mother: Barbara Lewin

Female IconMale Icon

Anna M Peglow

Birth: 1901 Illinois

Death: 19 May 1972 Village of Forest Park, Proviso Township, Cook, Illinois


Father: Frank Peglow

Mother: Augusta Hoffman

Female IconMale Icon

Anna Emma Alvina Peglow

Birth: 18 Apr 1901 Graham, Benton, Minnesota

Death: 31 Oct 2000 Willmar, Kandiyohi, Minnesota


Father: Gust Carl Peglow

Mother: Elvina Schmidtke

Female IconMale Icon

Anna E. Peglow

Birth: 30 Sep 1897 Brooklyn, Kings, New York, USA

Death: 1958 Brooklyn, Kings, New York, USA


Father: Emil H Peglow

Mother: Dora Peglow

Female IconMale Icon

Anna Bertha Peglow

Birth: 18 FEB 1895 St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, USA

Death: 23 Nov 1984 St Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, USA


Father: William Charles Peglow

Mother: Margaret Marie "Maggie" (McMahon) Peglow

Female IconMale Icon

Anna Lena Sophia Peglow

Birth: 01 Mar 1880 La Porte, La Porte, Indiana

Death: 18 Nov 1953 LaPorte, LaPorte, Indiana


Father: Wilhelm Friedrich Peglow

Mother: Louisa Justina Block

Female IconMale Icon

Anna Louisa Peglow

Birth: 26 AUG 1791 Kratzig, Kreis Köslin, Pommern, Germany

Death: 29 DEC 1791 Kratzig, Kreis Köslin, Pommern, Germany


Father: Jacob Peglow

Mother: Elisabeth Raddatz

Female IconMale Icon

Anna Peglow

Birth: 1901 Illinois, USA

Death: 19 May 1972 Village of Forest Park, Proviso Township, Cook, Illinois


Father: Frank Peglow

Mother: Augusta Hoffman

Female IconMale Icon

Anna Peglow

Birth: 3 Mar 1879 Freudenfier, Deutsche Krone, West Prussia

Death: 01 Dec 1971 Renfrew County, Ontario, Canada


Father: Martin Peglow

Mother: Susan "Suessen" Warnke

Female IconMale Icon

Anna Elisabeth Peglow

Birth: 10 Jan 1876 Freudenfier, Deutsch Krone, West Preussen, Germany

Death: 1 Dec 1971 Renfrew, , Ontario, Canada


Father: Martin Peglow

Mother: Susan "Suessen" Warnke

Female IconMale Icon

Anna Maria Peglow

Birth: 10 NOV 1803 Varchmin Krs. Köslin

Death: AFT 1874


Father: Joachim Peglow

Mother: Sophia Esther Bösel

Female IconMale Icon

Anna M Peglow

Birth: abt 1900 New York

Death: Not Available


Father: Thomas Nelan

Mother: Mary E Gallagher

Female IconMale Icon

Anna Peglow

Birth: 01 Feb 1901 Chicago, Cook, Illinois

Death: 19 May 1972 Village of Forest Park, Proviso Township, Cook, Illinois


Father: Frank Peglow

Mother: Augusta Hoffman

Female IconMale Icon

Anna Peglow

Birth: 1 NOV 1822 Altblez, Kreis Köslin, Pommern, Germany

Death: Not Available


Father: Christian Peglow

Mother: Dorothea Elise Lüdtke

Female IconMale Icon

Anna Peglow

Birth: Bef. 21 Mar 1892 Fond Du Lac, Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin

Death: 21 Mar 1892 Fond Du Lac, Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin


Father: August Ludwig Theodor Peglow

Mother: Auguste Paulina Koepke

Female IconMale Icon

Anna Maria PEGLOW

Birth: 3 Dec 1795

Death: Not Available


Father: Hans PEGLOW

Mother: Christine VARCHMIN

Female IconMale Icon

Anna Carolina Peglow

Birth: 16 Dec 1876 Prairie du Chien, Crawford, Wisconsin, USA

Death: Not Available


Father: Johann Friedrich Peglow

Mother: Margaret Ann Steiner

Female IconMale Icon

Anna Emily Peglow

Birth: 7 May 1894 Chicago, Cook County, Illinois

Death: Not Available


Father: Heinrich Johann Jacob Peglow

Mother: Emilie Charlotte Henriette Nitz

Female IconMale Icon

Anna Peglow

Birth: 7 Dez 1889 Polen

Death: 26 Dez 1890 Polen


Father: Not Available


Female IconMale Icon

Anna Peglow

Birth: 27 September 1886 Korlino, Zachodniopomorskie, Poland

Death: July 2, 1980 Chicago, Cook, Illinois


Father: Heinrich F Grunst

Mother: Not Available

Female IconMale Icon

Anna Marie Peglow

Birth: 3 Aug 1890 Nebraska

Death: 5 Mar 1987 Los Angeles


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Female IconMale Icon

Anna M Peglow

Birth: abt 1883 Hardin, Iowa

Death: 1949


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Female IconMale Icon

Anna Peglow

Birth: ABT 1888 Kreis Köslin, Pommern, Germany

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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