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Results for "Ann Zeigler"

1 - 25 of 75 Records

Ann Elizabeth Zeigler - 1844 to 1931

Birth: 4 Sep 1844 Warren County, Pennsylvania, USAbirth0

Death: 13 May 1931 Warren, Warren County, Pennsylvania, United States of Americadeath0


Father: William ZEIGLER

Mother: Margaret SWEET

Ann M Zeigler - 1840 to 1903

Birth: Feb 1840 Pennsylvaniabirth1

Death: 12 Dec 1903 New Buena Vista, Juniata Twp. Bedford Co., PA.death1


Father: Peter R Hillegas

Mother: Mariah Corley

Ann Esther Zeigler - 1930 to 2012

Birth: 14 Mar 1930 ILbirth2

Death: 20 Nov 2012 Aurora, Arapahoe Co, COdeath2


Father: Wesley Leon Zeigler

Mother: Ino A Martin

Ann J Zeigler - 1915 to 1979

Birth: 1915 Californiabirth3

Death: 25 August 1979 Sacramento, Sacramento, California, USAdeath3


Father: Victor Staci

Mother: Annie Stassi

Ann (Baumberger) {ADAMS} Zeigler - 1812 to 1890

Birth: 06 Apr 1812 Richland County, Ohio, USAbirth4

Death: 16 Jan 1890 Sharon, Richland, Ohio, USAdeath4


Father: Samuel Zeigler

Mother: Anna Barbara Baumberger

Ann Margaret Zeigler - 1771 to 1830

Birth: 1771 Ebenezer, Effingham Co, GAbirth5

Death: AFT 1830 Effingham County, GAdeath5


Father: Johann George Ziegler

Mother: Anna Catherina Rau

Ann Elizabeth Zeigler - 1868 to 1933

Birth: 30 JUL 1868

Death: 24 JUL 1933


Father: Nathaniel Jefferson Zeigler

Mother: Riverannah Crowell Milhous

Ann Elizabeth Zeigler - 1868 to 1933

Birth: 30 JUL 1868

Death: 24 JUL 1933


Father: Nathaniel Jefferson Zeigler

Mother: Riverannah Crowell Milhous

Ann Elizabeth Zeigler - 1824 to 1872

Birth: 26 Jun 1824 Smithburg, Washington, Maryland, USAbirth8

Death: 30 Nov 1872 Springfield, Clark, Ohio, USAdeath8


Father: George Casper Ziegler' Sigler

Mother: Susannah "Susan" Russell

Ann Zeigler - 1934

Birth: abt 1934 Missouribirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: Albert Conrad Waldvogel

Mother: Hazel Avery

Ann Josephine Zeigler - 1920 to 1998

Birth: 10 Nov 1920 Mansfield, Ohiobirth10

Death: 10 Oct 1998 Shiloh, Richland, Ohio, USAdeath10


Father: Anton J Mergel

Mother: Sofia Unterweger

Ann E Zeigler - 1850 to 1860

Birth: 1850 Greenwood, Perry, Pennsylvania, USAbirth11

Death: bef 1860


Father: John Zeigler

Mother: Mary Carr

Ann T zeigler - 1809

Birth: ABT 1809 South Carolinabirth12

Death: Not Available



Mother: Elizabeth Pendarvis

Ann Zeigler - 1860

Birth: Abt 1860 Floridabirth13

Death: Not Available


Father: Adam Ziegler

Mother: Amelia James

Ann Zeigler - 1840 to 1930

Birth: 16 Mar 1840 Pennsylvania, United States of Americabirth14

Death: 1930


Father: Jacob Zeigler

Mother: Not Available

Ann Zeigler - 1840 to 1930

Birth: 16 Mar 1840 Pennsylvania, United States of Americabirth15

Death: 1930


Father: Jacob Zeigler

Mother: Not Available

Ann Maria Zeigler - 1814 to 1898

Birth: Abt 1814 Pennsylvaniabirth16

Death: 11 Apr 1898 York County, Padeath16


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ann Margaret Zeigler - 1775 to 1830

Birth: ABT 1775 Ebenezer, Effingham Co, GAbirth17

Death: AFT 1830 Effingham Co, GAdeath17


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ann Margaret Zeigler - 1775 to 1830

Birth: ABT 1775 Ebenezer, Effingham Co, GAbirth18

Death: AFT 1830 Effingham Co, GAdeath18


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ann Margaret Zeigler - 1775 to 1830

Birth: ABT 1775 Ebenezer, Effingham Co, GAbirth19

Death: AFT 1830 Effingham Co, GAdeath19


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ann Margaret Zeigler - 1756 to 1818

Birth: Aft. 1756 Ebenezer County, Georgia birth20

Death: 1818


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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