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Results for "Alphonse Bernier"

1 - 25 of 235 Records

Alphonse R Bernier - 1894 to 1950

Birth: 31 Aug 1894 Quebec, Canadabirth0

Death: 1950 Taunton, Massachusetts, USAdeath0


Father: Jean Baptiste Bernier

Mother: Délima Bergeron

Alphonse R Bernier - 1894 to 1950

Birth: 31 Aug 1894 Quebec, Canadabirth1

Death: 1950 Taunton, Massachusetts, USAdeath1


Father: Jean Baptiste Bernier

Mother: Délima Bergeron

Alphonse Bernier - 1875 to 1924

Birth: 6 Jul 1875 Matane, Quebec, Canadabirth2

Death: 9 Nov 1924 St-Quentin, Restigouche, New Brunswick, Canadadeath2


Father: Archille Bernier

Mother: Philomène Tremblay

Alphonse A Bernier - 1929 to 2017

Birth: 12 August 1929 Pelham, Mitchell County, Georgia, United States of Americabirth3

Death: 16 May 2017 Bainbridge, Decatur County, Georgia, United States of Americadeath3


Father: Albert A Bernier

Mother: Myrtle Lee Corbin

Alphonse Rene Bernier

Birth: Not Available Fort Kent Mills, Aroostook, Maine, USAbirth4

Death: 1974 Millinocket Mainedeath4


Father: Alphonse W Bernièr

Mother: Anna Bolduc

Alphonse Rene Bernier

Birth: Not Available Fort Kent Mills, Aroostook, Maine, USAbirth5

Death: 1974 Millinocket Mainedeath5


Father: Alphonse W Bernièr

Mother: Anna Bolduc

Alphonse Bernier - 1901 to 1974

Birth: 1901 Qcbirth6

Death: 1974 St-Bruno , Kamouraskadeath6


Father: Alphonce Bernier

Mother: Amanda Pelletier

Alphonse Bernier - 1882 to 1920

Birth: 1882 Québecbirth7

Death: 20 Dec 1920 Montmagny, Montmagny, Quebec, Canadadeath7


Father: Seraphin-Hermenegilde Bernier

Mother: Eliza Aglae Letourneau

Alphonse Bernier - 1861 to 1944

Birth: 7 APR 1861 Levis, P.Q.birth8

Death: 07 Oct 1944 Lévis, Lévis, QCdeath8


Father: Louis-Joseph-Augure Bernier

Mother: Marie-Malvina TURGEON

Alphonse Bernier - 1861 to 1918

Birth: 23 SEP 1861 St-Thomas de Montmagnybirth9

Death: 8 Août 1918 St-Michel Arcange Quebec City, Québec, Canadadeath9


Father: Richard BERNIER

Mother: Luce Proulx

Alphonse Bernier - 1877 to 1953

Birth: 1877 Qcbirth10

Death: 19 APR 1953 Lewiston, Maine, USdeath10


Father: Mathurin Bernier

Mother: Eleonore Bernier

Alphonse Bernier - 1852 to 1918

Birth: 1 Août 1852 Paris, Vaugirard, Francebirth11

Death: 27 Mars 1918 Francedeath11


Father: Achille Bernier

Mother: Marie Elisabeth Babin

Alphonse Bernier - 1895

Birth: abt 1895 Canada Frenchbirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Arthur Bernier

Mother: Arthemise Otis

Alphonse Désiré Bernier - 1883 to 1959

Birth: 17 décembre 1883 Cap-St-Ignace, Montmagny, Québec, Canadabirth13

Death: 24 avril 1959 Cap-St-Ignace, Montmagny, Québec, Canadadeath13


Father: Georges Paul Bernier

Mother: Caroline Thibault

Alphonse Bernier - 1871 to 1951

Birth: 18 sep 1871 L'Islet, Quebec, Canadabirth14

Death: 06 apr 1951 Hull, Gatineau, Quebec, Canadadeath14


Father: Pierre-Jules Bernier

Mother: Arthemise LEVESQUE

Alphonse Bernier - 1888 to 1954

Birth: 13.11.1888

Death: 07 Jul 1954 Québec, Québec, QCdeath15


Father: Charles-Edmond Bernier

Mother: Marie-Louise Lodoîska Crépault

Alphonse Bernier - 1916 to 1915

Birth: 1916 Bellingham,Norfolk,MAbirth16

Death: 01 Jul 1915 Bellingham, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USAdeath16


Father: Raymond Bernier

Mother: Celina Bernier

Alphonse BERNIER - 1904 to 1980

Birth: 27 SEP 1904 Lévis, 2424020, , Chaudière - Appalaches, Canada, birth17

Death: 01 Feb 1980 Joliette, Joliette, Quebec, Canadadeath17


Father: Joseph Bernier

Mother: Marie Guay

Alphonse Bernier - 1906 to 1957

Birth: 23 Sep 1906 Cap-St-Ignace, Montmagny, Quebec, Canadabirth18

Death: 19 JUN 1957 Québec, Québec, QCdeath18


Father: Anselme Bernier

Mother: Delia Cloutier

Alphonse Bernier - 1893 to 1973

Birth: February 1893 Sarel, Quebecbirth19

Death: 1 Apr 1973 Radville, Saskatchewan, Canadadeath19


Father: Jean Baptiste Bernier

Mother: Appoline StPierre

Alphonse Bernier - 1874 to 1924

Birth: Jul or Aug 1874 Quebecbirth20

Death: 9 Nov 1924 St-Quentin, Restigouche, New Brunswick, Canadadeath20


Father: Archille Bernier

Mother: Philomène Tremblay

Alphonse Bernier - 1934 to 1934

Birth: 7 Oct 1934 Quebec City, Quebec, Canadabirth21

Death: 7 Oct 1934 Quebec City, Quebec, Canadadeath21


Father: Alphonse Bernier

Mother: Diana Marie Côté

Alphonse Bernier - 1853

Birth: 28 MAR 1853 Cap St-Ignacebirth22

Death: Not Available


Father: Augustin-Frédéric Bernier

Mother: Charlotte Gagnon

Alphonse Bernier - 1864 to 1910

Birth: 20 Aug 1864 Hâvre-St-Pierre(Pointe-aux-Esquimaux), Québec, Canada

Death: 09 Apr 1910 Montréal, Qc, Canadadeath23


Father: Amable Bernier

Mother: Marie-Esther Gagné

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