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Results for "Albert Ruck"

1 - 25 of 115 Records

Albert P Ruck - 1879 to 1946

Birth: October 18,1879 Duchouquet twp., Auglaize Co., Ohiobirth0

Death: 15 Aug 1946 bur Greenlawn Cem,Auglaize Co,Ohiodeath0


Father: William Ruck

Mother: Barbara Lunz

Albert Edward Ruck - 1914 to 1980

Birth: 6 Feb 1914 Summit, Union, New Jersey, USAbirth1

Death: Jun 1980 Summit, Union, New Jersey, USAdeath1


Father: Albert Edward Ruck

Mother: Catherine Moroney

Albert Ruck - 1929 to 2014

Birth: abt 1929 Missouribirth2

Death: 5 May 2014 St Louis, Independent Cities, Missouri, USAdeath2


Father: Konrad Rück

Mother: Lena Gebel

Albert J Ruck - 1926 to 1985

Birth: 10 Aug 1926 Nanticoke, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, USAbirth3

Death: 2 Jul 1985


Father: Thomas John Ruck

Mother: Ada Clark

Albert Ruck - 1894 to 1975

Birth: 1894 Llantillio Cross, Monmouthshire, Walesbirth4

Death: Jul/Aug/Sep 1975 llangattock lingoed monmonuthshiredeath4


Father: James Ruck

Mother: Laura Williams

Albert John Ruck - 1893 to 1965

Birth: abt 1893 Middlesex, Englandbirth5

Death: Dec 1965 Gloucester Rural, Gloucestershire, Englanddeath5


Father: Albert Frederick Ruck

Mother: Elizabeth Hardy

Albert Ruck - 1908 to 1966

Birth: 31 Mar 1908 Ebbw Vale, Blaenau Gwent, Walesbirth6

Death: 11 june 1966 Wales, Monmouthshire, Abergavenny, United Kingdomdeath6


Father: Wallace Ruck

Mother: Mary Ruck

Albert Ruck - 1893 to 1972

Birth: abt 1893 Wood Green, Middlesex, Englandbirth7

Death: Sep 1972 Maidstone, Kent, Englanddeath7


Father: Charles Ruck

Mother: Emily Davis

Albert Ruck - 1893 to 1972

Birth: abt 1893 Wood Green, Middlesex, Englandbirth8

Death: Sep 1972 Maidstone, Kent, Englanddeath8


Father: Charles Ruck

Mother: Emily Davis

Albert Victor Ruck - 1903 to 1980

Birth: abt 1903 Gloucesterbirth9

Death: 13 Mar 1980 Stroud Glosdeath9


Father: Charles E Ruck

Mother: Sarah Brown

Albert Victor Ruck - 1903 to 1980

Birth: abt 1903 Gloucesterbirth10

Death: 13 Mar 1980 Stroud Glosdeath10


Father: Charles E Ruck

Mother: Sarah Brown

Albert E Ruck - 1887

Birth: 1887 New Jersey, USAbirth11

Death: Not Available


Father: Henry J Ruck

Mother: Eleanor Quail

Albert E Ruck - 1887

Birth: 1887 New Jersey, USAbirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Henry J Ruck

Mother: Eleanor Quail

Albert James Ruck - 1908 to 1986

Birth: 5 Dec 1908 Monmouth (1909 Mar Qtr 11a 31)birth13

Death: 1986 Gloucester (Jun Qtr 22 1864) Aged 77death13


Father: James Enock Ruck

Mother: Eva Davies

Albert Ruck - 1891 to 1950

Birth: 6 May 1891 Kilpeck, Herefordshire, Englandbirth14

Death: 17 May 1950 Whitbourne, Herefordshire, Englanddeath14


Father: John Ruck

Mother: Ellen Harris

Albert Ruck - 1898 to 1980

Birth: 1898 Rochester, Victoria, Australiabirth15

Death: Aft. 1980 Australiadeath15


Father: Oliver Allen Ruck

Mother: Louise Selle

Albert Edward Ruck - 1928 to 2015

Birth: 8 November 1928 Waukegan, Lake County, Illinois, USAbirth16

Death: 1 April 2015 USAdeath16


Father: Edward Ruck

Mother: Lillian Esther Dunn

Albert RUCK - 1920 to 2009

Birth: 27 Mar 1920 Mothern, Bas-Rhin, Alsace, Francebirth17

Death: 18 Dec 2009 Francedeath17


Father: Joseph RUCK

Mother: Emma Klein

Albert F (Burt) Ruck - 1890 to 1960

Birth: 26 JUL 1890 Wauwatosabirth18

Death: 9 October 1960 Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, USAdeath18


Father: Herman Ruck

Mother: Lena Hamme

Albert John Ruck - 1872 to 1957

Birth: 12/10/1872 Moldash Kentbirth19

Death: 12/11/1957 Maidstone Kent, Englanddeath19


Father: George Hodges Ruck

Mother: Sarah Mannering

Albert Edward Ruck - 1876 to 1961

Birth: 06 Oct 1876 Southwark, Surrey, Englandbirth20

Death: 15 Jan 1961 Camberwell, London, Englanddeath20


Father: Richard Ruck

Mother: Eliza Rose

Albert Ruck - 1882 to 1959

Birth: abt 1882 Balham, London, Englandbirth21

Death: Dec 1959 Bridport, Dorset, Englanddeath21


Father: Thomas Ruck

Mother: Lucy Elizabeth Kitchen

Albert Ruck - 1893 to 1975

Birth: 19 Jul 1893 Llantilio Crossenny, Monmouthshire, Walesbirth22

Death: Sep 1975 Pontypool, Gwent, Walesdeath22


Father: James Ruck

Mother: Laura Williams

Albert Frederick RUCK - 1895 to 1956

Birth: 13 FEB 1895 Lincoln, Lincolnshire, Englandbirth23

Death: 11 FEB 1956 Stourbridge, Worcestershire, Englanddeath23


Father: Albert James Ruck

Mother: Mary Ince

Albert "Charles" Ruck - 1895 to 1970

Birth: 4 Aug 1895 Near Bartolds, St Louis, USAbirth24

Death: Aug 1970 St. Louis.MOdeath24


Father: John William Ruck

Mother: Maria Louise Geyer

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