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Results for "Agnes Pattenden"

1 - 12 of 12 Records

Agnes Ellen PATTENDEN - 1887 to 1962

Birth: 3rd Qtr 1887 Worth, Sussex, , Englandbirth0

Death: 21 Apr 1962


Father: Charles Pattenden

Mother: Philadelphia Creasey

Agnes Pattenden - 1880 to 1930

Birth: 1880 Paddington,Londonbirth1

Death: 18 Apr 1930 Paddington, Londondeath1


Father: Richard Pattenden

Mother: Sarah Louise Smith

Agnes Pattenden - 1516 to 1584

Birth: ABT 1516 Goudhurst, Kent, Englandbirth2

Death: May 1584 Buckingham, Englanddeath2


Father: Thomas Henry Pattenden

Mother: Rose Ellen Stebbing Adams Pattenden

Agnes Florence PATTENDEN - 1879 to 1947

Birth: 1879 RIVERHEAD, KENbirth3

Death: 09 DEC 1947 LOUGHTON, BKMdeath3


Father: William Pattenden

Mother: Harriet Holt

Agnes Mary Pattenden - 1882 to 1936

Birth: 18 FEB 1882 HORNE, SRYbirth4

Death: 30 Dec 1936 Rogate, Petersfield, Hampshiredeath4


Father: Amos Pattenden

Mother: Jane Pattenden

AGNES Mary Pattenden - 1921 to 2012

Birth: 17 July 1921 Essex County, Ontario, Canadabirth5

Death: 5 Apr 2012 Essex County, Ontario, Canadadeath5


Father: Arthur Thomas Pattenden

Mother: Edith Mary Pattenden

Agnes C Pattenden - 1894 to 1967

Birth: 31 Oct 1894 St Olave Southwark, Londonbirth6

Death: 1967 Sevenoaks, Kent, Englanddeath6


Father: Edward Pattenden

Mother: Ellen Catherine Louney

Agnes PATTENDEN - 1863

Birth: 1863 WORTH, SSXbirth7

Death: Not Available


Father: William PATTENDEN

Mother: Mary Ann Chart

Agnes Pattenden - 1850 to 1928

Birth: abt 1850 E Grinsted, Sussex, Englandbirth8

Death: DEC 1928 Godstone RegD, Surrey, Englanddeath8


Father: John Pattenden

Mother: Frances WALDER

Agnes F Pattenden - 1880

Birth: 1880



Father: William Pattenden

Mother: Harriet Holt

AGNES Pattenden

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Thomas Kingham

Mother: Not Available

Agnes Pattenden - 1510

Birth: ABT 1510 Englandbirth11



Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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