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Results for "agnes caraway"

Name: Agnes Christine Caraway

Birth: 20 Jan 1928 Lamar Co., AL, USA

Death: 12 Dec 2008 Belk, Fayette Co., AL, USA

Father: Herbert Monroe Caraway

Mother: Dollie Mae NELSON

Name: Agnes Burt Caraway

Birth: 6 Apr 1920 Gulfport, Harrison County, Mississippi, USA

Death: 12 Mar 1958 Caddo, Louisiana, USA

Father: Archibald Fernando Caraway

Mother: Margaret Aurora Roe

Name: Agnes Elizabeth Caraway

Birth: 1908 Texas

Death: Not Available

Father: Odos Cleveland Caraway

Mother: Julia Marie Taylor

Name: Agnes Susan Caraway

Birth: Apr. 1870 Florida

Death: Aft. 1880

Father: William F. Caraway

Mother: Maniza Elizabeth King

Name: Agnes Caraway

Birth: 1914

Death: Not Available

Father: J M Spence

Mother: Ida Spence

Name: Agnes Caraway

Birth: 1874 Ely, Cambridgeshire, England

Death: Not Available

Father: Charles Mitchell Garaway

Mother: Elizabeth Anne Watts

Name: Agnes Caraway

Birth: January 24, 1923

Death: 11 December 1981 Andalusia, Covington, Alabama, USA

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Agnes Virginia Caraway

Birth: 19 May 1925 Barbour County, Alabama, United States of America

Death: 30 May 1996 Barbour County, Alabama, United States of America

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Agnes Mcclung Caraway

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Agnes Caraway

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Agnes Caraway

Birth: 1894

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Agnes Christine CARAWAY

Birth: 1928

Death: 2008

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Agnes Walker Caraway

Birth: 26 September 1926

Death: 16 March 1991 Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, Michigan

Father: Private

Mother: Private

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