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Results for "agata carbone"

Name: Agata C Carbone

Birth: 15 Mar 1896 Santa Cristina, Reggio di Calabria, Calabria, Italy

Death: 19 Feb 1994 Lake Havasu City, Mohave, Arizona, United States

Father: Sebastiano Carbone

Mother: Mary Italiano

Name: Agata Carbone

Birth: 1711 Pietradefusi, Avellino, Campania, Italy

Death: 1745 Torre le Nocelle, Avellino, Campania, Italy

Father: Domenico Antonio Carbone

Mother: Isabella Vesce

Name: Agata Carbone

Birth: 20 Mar 1844 Mangone, Cosenza, Calabria, Italy

Death: 9 Aug 1845 Mangone, Cosenza, Calabria, Italy

Father: Pietro Maria Carbone

Mother: Angela Maria Manza

Name: Agata Ida Carbone

Birth: Feb 23, 1909 New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Death: Not Available

Father: Giuseppe Carbone

Mother: Agata Uzzo

Name: Agata Carmilla Carbone

Birth: 05 Feb 1810 Plati, Reggio Calabria, Italy - Certificate # 7

Death: Not Available

Father: Domenico Carbone

Mother: Francesca Cusagrew (sp.?)

Name: Agata Carbone

Birth: 11 Aug 1834

Death: Not Available

Father: Giovanni Carbone

Mother: Anna Di Meo

Name: Agata Carbone

Birth: Not Available Italy

Death: Not Available Canada

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Agata Carbone

Birth: Not Available Pignataro Maggiore, Caserta, Campania, Italy

Death: Bef. 13 Feb 1866 Before 27 November 1873

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Agata Carbone

Birth: Abt 1733

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Agata Carbone

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Agata Carbone

Birth: Not Available

Death: aft 1813

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: agata carbone

Birth: 1916

Death: 1987

Father: Private

Mother: Private

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