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Results for "Adolph Bang"

1 - 12 of 12 Records

Adolph Bang - 1835 to 1901

Birth: abt 1835 Hannover, Lower Saxony, Germanybirth0

Death: 24 Jul 1901 2341 Lafayette Ave, St Louis, Missouri, USAdeath0


Father: Gerhard Bang

Mother: Carolina Mathieu

Adolph Bang - 1835 to 1901

Birth: abt 1835 Hannover, Lower Saxony, Germanybirth1

Death: 24 Jul 1901 2341 Lafayette Ave, St Louis, Missouri, USAdeath1


Father: Gerhard Bang

Mother: Carolina Mathieu

Adolph Lorentz Bang - 1821 to 1875

Birth: 8 AUG 1821 Gamtofte Kirkebirth2

Death: Aft 1875 Gamtoftedeath2


Father: Lorentz Gabriel Clausen Bang

Mother: Anna Elisabet Jørgensdatter Jørgensdatter

Adolph Jacobsen Bang - 1814 to 1881

Birth: 19 Apr 1814 Smerup, Holevad, Baag, Odense

Death: 27 May 1881 Smerup, Holevad, Baag, Odense


Father: Jacob Clausen Bang

Mother: Johanne Hansdatter

Adolph Bang - 1814 to 1881

Birth: 19 Apr 1814

Death: 27 May 1881 Smerup, Holevad, Baag, Odensedeath4


Father: Jacob Clausen Bang

Mother: Johanne Hansdatter

Adolph Kristian Lorentz Bang - 1879 to 1879

Birth: 24 Aug 1879 Gamtofte sogn Bag Herred, Denmarkbirth5

Death: 3 Dec 1879 Gamtofte sogn Bag Herred, Denmarkdeath5


Father: Claus (Christiansen) Bang

Mother: Marie Christiane Jørgensen

Adolph Christian Lorentz Bang - 1880 to 1904

Birth: 05 Nov 1880 Gamtofte sogn,Båg Herred

Death: 29 Feb 1904 Gamtofte sogn,Båg Herred


Father: Claus (Christiansen) Bang

Mother: Marie Christiane Jørgensen

Adolph Adam Bang - 1801

Birth: 5 Lokakuuta 1801

Death: Not Available


Father: Eric Bong

Mother: Maria Gustafsdr

Female IconMale Icon

Adolph Bang - 1829

Birth: 1829

Death: Not Available


Father: Lane Bang

Mother: Barbara Elisabetha Egers

Adolph Hermann Bang - 1853

Birth: 19 Oct 1853

Death: Not Available


Father: Andreas Peter Bang

Mother: Margrethe Falksen

Adolph Ad Bang - 1801

Birth: 5 Lokakuuta 1801

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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