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Results for "Adeliza Page"

1 - 25 of 92 Records
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Adelia Gage - 1826 to 1913

Birth: 26 Nov 1826 Columbia, Herkimer, New York, USAbirth0

Death: 4 Feb 1913 Herkimer, Herkimer, New York, USAdeath0


Father: Isaac Gage

Mother: Rosannah Knight

Adelia I Page - 1816 to 1870

Birth: 14 December 1816 Washington County, New York, USAbirth1

Death: 16 SEP 1870 Penn Yan, Yates, New Yorkdeath1


Father: William Claggett Gooding

Mother: Abigail Gooding

Adelia Gage - 1823 to 1908

Birth: 22 Jul 1823 Chautauqua, New Yorkbirth2

Death: 15 Jan 1908 Huntington, Indianadeath2


Father: Isaac Gage

Mother: Pearl Howard

Adelia Gage - 1823 to 1908

Birth: 22 Jul 1823 Chautauqua, New Yorkbirth3

Death: 15 Jan 1908 Huntington, Indianadeath3


Father: Isaac Gage

Mother: Pearl Howard

Adelia Page - 1852 to 1945

Birth: 1852 Wells, Rice, Minnesotabirth4

Death: About 1945



Mother: Catharine Shannon Chase

Adelia Page - 1852 to 1945

Birth: 1852 Wells, Rice, Minnesotabirth5

Death: About 1945



Mother: Catharine Shannon Chase

Adelia H Pace - 1860 to 1884

Birth: Abt 1860 Pennsylvaniabirth6

Death: 5 Feb 1884 Salem, Wayne, Pennsylvania, USAdeath6


Father: John Ferguson

Mother: Mary Stevens

Adelia Jane Page - 1869 to 1870

Birth: 17 Feb 1869 Maury County, Tennessee, USAbirth7

Death: 11 Jan 1870 Maury County, Tennessee, USAdeath7


Father: James Walker Page

Mother: Martha Amanda Page

Adelia Jane Page - 1869 to 1870

Birth: 17 Feb 1869 Maury County, Tennessee, USAbirth8

Death: 11 Jan 1870 Maury County, Tennessee, USAdeath8


Father: James Walker Page

Mother: Martha Amanda Page

Adelia M. Gage - 1829 to 1902

Birth: Aug 1829 Salina, Onondaga Co, New Yorkbirth9

Death: 1902 Ohiodeath9


Father: George Gage

Mother: Phoebe M. Hatch

Adelia "Delia" Gage - 1827 to 1859

Birth: abt 1827 New Hampshire, USAbirth10

Death: Bef. 1859 Illinois, USAdeath10


Father: Andrew Gage

Mother: Lucy Prescott

Adelia Delia Gage - 1882 to 1921

Birth: 14 Mar 1882 Michiganbirth11

Death: 12 Apr 1921 Caro, Tuscola, Michigan, USAdeath11


Father: Frank Gage

Mother: Ella Butler

Adelina (Dalia) Pagé - 1877 to 1933

Birth: 17 Jul 1877 St-Michel de Sherbrookebirth12

Death: 17 Feb 1933 Montréal (Notre-Damedeath12


Father: David Pagé

Mother: Hermine Bourque

Abelina Concepcion Rudecinda Gage - 1873 to 1937

Birth: 11/1873 Wilmington, Los Angeles, Californiabirth13

Death: 12 Jan 1937 Los Angeles, California, USAdeath13


Father: Daniel Webster "DW" Gage

Mother: Maria Manuela Mendez y Blanco

Adelina Lage - 1876 to 1971

Birth: abt 1876 Ohiobirth14

Death: 17 Oct 1971 Louisville, Stark, Ohio, USAdeath14


Father: Joseph Gebhard Lage

Mother: Johanna Margaretha Schwarz

Adelina (Lena) Page - 1886 to 1961

Birth: 1886 Dungog,, New South Wales, Australiabirth15

Death: 13 May 1961 Gloucester, New South Wales, Australiadeath15


Father: James Barter. "Page"

Mother: Sarah Jane Nash

Adelia Lage - 1879

Birth: 1879 Scott Co IAbirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: Joseph Loge

Mother: Lena Loge

Adelia "Della" Estella Pace - 1874 to 1959

Birth: 25 Sep 1874 Kansasbirth17

Death: 1959 Mills County, Iowadeath17


Father: William Cyrus Pace

Mother: Mary E. "Aunt Lib" MITCHELL

Adelia Page - 1849 to 1902

Birth: Sept 26 1849 Schuyler County, New Yorkbirth18

Death: aft 1902


Father: Jonathan Page

Mother: Eliza Roblyer (Page)

Adelina Page - 1889 to 1966

Birth: 19 Apr 1889 Benwell, Northumberland, Englandbirth19

Death: 7 Sep 1966 Newcastle Upon Tyne, Northumberland, Englanddeath19


Father: John PAGE

Mother: Celina Isabella Violetta Page

Adelia (1c4x) Page - 1849 to 1902

Birth: abt 1849 New Hampshirebirth20

Death: 23 March 1902 Woodford, Illinoisdeath20


Father: Adino Page

Mother: Arvilla Page

Deliza T Paige - 1853 to 1896

Birth: abt 1853 Massachusettsbirth21

Death: 19 Apr 1896 Springfield, Massachusetts, USAdeath21


Father: Paul Whitcomb Paige

Mother: Mary Caroline Tarbell

Adelina Pace - 1910 to 1991

Birth: 15 Mai 1910 Santa Maria di Castellabate, Salerno, Kampanien, Italienbirth22

Death: 1991


Father: Domenico Pace

Mother: Paola Comenale - Comunale

Adelia or Idelia Page - 1862 to 1923

Birth: 17 Jun 1862 Montreal Region, Quebec, Canadabirth23

Death: 01 Dec 1923 Rosebud County, Montana, USAdeath23


Father: Joseph Page

Mother: Not Available

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