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Results for "ada balfour"

Name: Ada Balfour

Birth: Sep 1871 Lancashire, England

Death: 7 May 1951 Derbyshire, Derby, England

Father: Robert Leask Balfour

Mother: Jane Knowles

Name: Ada Balfour

Birth: 3 Oct 1866 Ireland

Death: 14 Jan 1929 Fulham, London, England

Father: George Macintosh Balfour

Mother: Margaret Craigie BALFOUR

Name: Ada Bella Balfour

Birth: 12 Nov 1900 R.M. of Pembina, Manitoba, Canada

Death: Not Available Manitou, Manitoba, Canada


Mother: Isabella Maude Foley

Name: Ada Harriet Balfour

Birth: 9 Jan 1883 Bermondsey, London, England

Death: 24 Jul 1948 Fulham, London, England

Father: William Balfour

Mother: Elizabeth Anne Denton

Name: Ada Maud Balfour

Birth: 26.12.1895 Stoke Damerel, Devon

Death: 21.4.1969 FAREHAM Hampshire England

Father: David John Balfour

Mother: Elizabeth Ward Parkhouse

Name: Ada Balfour

Birth: Jun 1885 North Carolina, United States

Death: 24 Aug 1954 Asheboro, Randolph, North Carolina, USA

Father: Archibald Balfour

Mother: Mary Green Ingram

Name: Ada Marion Spottiswood Balfour

Birth: 26 Jan 1850 Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland

Death: 19 Nov 1918 Chard, Somerset, England

Father: John Hutton Balfour

Mother: Marion Spottiswood Bayley

Name: Ada Craig BALFOUR

Birth: abt 1860 Edmonton, Middlesex, England

Death: 14th March 1915 Invernesshire, Scotland

Father: Buchanan BALFOUR

Mother: Frances Elizabeth (Fanny) HAZELL

Name: Ada Dora Bampfield Balfour

Birth: April 1881 Bayswater, London, England

Death: 8 Mar 1945 Ross-Shire

Father: John Henry Balfour

Mother: Cecilia Bampfield

Name: Ada Balfour

Birth: 24 Jan 1912 PRESTON Lancashire England

Death: Mar 1982 Boston, Lincolnshire, England


Mother: Elizabeth Cox

Name: Ada Marion Spottiswood Balfour

Birth: 1850 Edinburgh, Midlothian

Death: Not Available

Father: John Hutton Balfour

Mother: Marion Spottiswood Bayley

Name: Ada Balfour

Birth: abt 1908 Aspull, Lancashire, England

Death: Not Available

Father: John Balfour

Mother: Jane Pendlebury

Name: Ada Balfour

Birth: 1890 Govan, Lanarkshire

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Ada Ann Paterson Robertson

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