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Results for "Abraham Cilliers"

1 - 25 of 68 Records

Abraham Albertus CILLIERS - 1783 to 1865

Birth: bef 4 Oct 1783 Swellendam, Cape of Good Hope, South Africabirth0

Death: 1 Sep 1865 Robertsondeath0


Father: Abraham Cilliers

Mother: Hester van Deventer

Abraham Jacobus Cilliers - 1879 to 1951

Birth: 1879 Hanoverbirth1

Death: 03 Jun 1951 Jagersfonteindeath1


Father: Abraham Jacobus Cilliers

Mother: Hester Jacoba Van Der Berg

Abraham Benjamin CILLIERS - 1874 to 1934

Birth: 1 OCT 1874 dist Winburg, Oranje-Vrystaatbirth2

Death: 28 DEC 1934 Smaldeel, dist Bethlehem, Oranje-Vrystaatdeath2


Father: Jan Daniel Cilliers

Mother: Maria Petronella Dreyer

Abraham Jacobus Cilliers - 1879 to 1951

Birth: 1879 Hanoverbirth3

Death: 03 Jun 1951 Jagersfonteindeath3


Father: Abraham Jacobus Cilliers

Mother: Hester Jacoba Van Der Berg

Abraham Gabriel Cilliers - 1790

Birth: bef 25 Jul 1790 Cape Of Good Hope, South Africabirth4

Death: Not Available


Father: Josua Pieter CELLIER

Mother: Martha Magdalena van den Berg

Abraham Gabriel Cilliers - 1790

Birth: bef 25 Jul 1790 Cape Of Good Hope, South Africabirth5

Death: Not Available


Father: Josua Pieter CELLIER

Mother: Martha Magdalena van den Berg

Abraham Benjamin Cilliers - 1826 to 1904

Birth: 24 Aug 1826

Death: 23 Oct 1904 Senekal, Free State, South Africadeath6


Father: Jan Daniel Cilliers

Mother: Helena Maria Hauptfleisch

Abraham Albertus Cilliers - 1808 to 1887

Birth: 30 Dec 1808 Swellendambirth7

Death: 24 Oct 1887 Robertsondeath7


Father: Abraham Albertus Cilliers

Mother: Zacharia Geertruij RABIE

Abraham Albertus Cilliers - 1816 to 1878

Birth: 7 Jul 1816

Death: 23 Oct 1878 Wolwekloof, Robertsondeath8


Father: Willem Adriaan Cilliers

Mother: Cornelia VAN EEDEN

Abraham Gabriel Hendrik Cilliers - 1852 to 1889

Birth: Abt. 1852 Kroonstad, Free State, South Africabirth9

Death: 15 Mar 1889 Kroonstad, Free State, South Africadeath9


Father: Abraham Gabriël Cilliers

Mother: Magdalena Aletta Gertruida Badenhorst

Abraham Gabriel Hendrik Cilliers - 1879 to 1946

Birth: 01 Nov 1879 Kroonstad, Free State, South Africabirth10

Death: 27 May 1946 Marquard, Free State, South Africadeath10


Father: Abraham Gabriel Hendrik Cilliers

Mother: Elizabeth Christina Haasbroek

Abraham - Abraham Albertus Cilliers - 1894 to 1977

Birth: 3 Sep 1894 Bethlehem,Vrystaat,Za

Death: 10 Aug 1977 Weldaad,Bethlehem,Vrystaat,Za


Father: Abraham Albertus Cilliers

Mother: Susanna Helena Bruwer Cilliers

Female IconMale Icon

Abraham Albertus Cilliers - 1906 to 1988

Birth: 27 May 1906

Death: 21 Jun 1988 Parys


Father: Johannes Jacobus Cilliers

Mother: Barbara Cilliers

Abraham Jacobus Cilliers - 1860 to 1935

Birth: 7 Jul 1860

Death: 23 AUG 1935 De Aar, South Africadeath13


Father: Johannis Franssoois Cilliers

Mother: Anna Viljoen

Abraham Albertus Cilliers - 1875

Birth: 21 September 1875 Bethlehem, Orange Free State Republic (Dihlabeng, Thabo Mofutsanyane, Free State, South Africa)birth14

Death: Not Available


Father: Marthinus Celliers / Cilliers

Mother: Hester Agnes Botha

Abraham Francois Cilliers - 1848

Birth: 20 AUG 1848

Death: Not Available


Father: Abraham Francois Cilliers

Mother: Elizabeth Christina Haasbroek

Abraham Jacobus Cilliers - 1805 to 1875

Birth: 27 Sep 1805

Death: 25 Jan 1875 Hanover, Cape, South Africadeath16


Father: Carel Cilliers

Mother: Elizabeth Catharina Louw

Abraham Francois Cilliers - 1848

Birth: 20 AUG 1848

Death: Not Available


Father: Abraham Francois Cilliers

Mother: Elizabeth Christina Haasbroek

Abraham Albertus Cilliers - 1838 to 1838

Birth: 17 AUG 1838 Swellendambirth18

Death: ABT 1838 Swellendamdeath18


Father: Jan Bastiaan Cilliers

Mother: Anna Elizabeth Johanna SMIT

Abraham Benjamin Cilliers - 1914 to 1964

Birth: 29 May 1914 Bethlehem, Free State, South Africabirth19

Death: 28 Feb 1964 Maraisburg, Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africadeath19


Father: Abraham Benjamin CILLIERS

Mother: Aletta Elizabeth Dreyer

Female IconMale Icon

Abraham Albertus Cilliers - 1931 to 1988

Birth: 15 Dec 1931

Death: 27 Jan 1988 Bethlehemdeath20


Father: Ernest Jacobus Cilliers

Mother: Jacomina Petronella Cilliers

Abraham Albertus Cilliers - 1783 to 1865

Birth: 27 Jun 1783 Cape, South Africabirth21

Death: 1 Sep 1865 Robertson, Kentucky, United Statesdeath21


Father: Abraham Cilliers

Mother: Hester vanDeventer

Abraham Albertus Cilliers - 1818 to 1897

Birth: 24 Dec 1818

Death: 30 Sep 1897 Bethlehem,,Vrystaat,ZA


Father: Jan Gabriel Cilliers

Mother: Anna Magdalena Du Toit

Abraham Francois Cilliers - 1910

Birth: 8 April 1910 South Africabirth23

Death: Not Available


Father: Gert Daniel Cilliers

Mother: Rachel Catharina Duvenhage

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