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Margaret Lee Wall

Birth10 Apr 1895 - Dover, Stewart, Tennessee, United States
Death7 Sep 1986 - Bridgeton, St Louis, Missouri, USA
MotherDrucilla Ann Hargis
FatherCharles Alexander Wall

Born in Dover, Stewart, Tennessee, United States on 10 Apr 1895 to Charles Alexander Wall and Drucilla Ann Hargis. Margaret Lee Wall married John Calvin Durrwachter and had 10 children. She passed away on 7 Sep 1986 in Bridgeton, St Louis, Missouri, USA.

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Margaret Lee Wall family tree

Family treeCreate your own family tree
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Charles Alexander Wall
1858 - 1947
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Drucilla Ann Hargis
1868 - 1954
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John Calvin Durrwachter
1893 - 1980
Children Show all
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Henry Wall Durrwachter
1915 - 1992
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Amanda Louise Durrwachter
1912 - 2007
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Anna Kathryn Durrwachter
1920 - 1992
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Douglas Charles Durrwachter
1913 - 2008
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Charles Acree Durrwachter
1924 - 2004

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Opal W Durrwachter
1918 - Unknown
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Teddy Durrwachter
1937 - 1937
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Margaret Durrwachter
1929 - 2007
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Bobbie Louis Durrwachter
1932 - 1935
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Donald O'neal Durrwachter
1926 - 2015

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This database contains family trees submitted to Ancestry by users who have indicated that their tree can only be viewed by Ancestry members to whom they have granted permission to see their tree.These trees can change over time as users edit, remove, or otherwise modify the data in their trees. If you would like to view one of these trees in its entirety, you can contact the owner of the tree to request permission to see the tree.

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Historical Records for Margaret Lee Wall

Take a look to see if these records match your family member.

1940 United States Federal Census

1940 United States Federal Census

Margaret Dunwashter
Est. Birth Date
Not Available
Est. Residence Age
Est. Residence Date
Not Available
Birth Place

1930 United States Federal Census

1930 United States Federal Census

Maggie Durwachter
Est. Birth Date
Not Available
Est. Residence Age
Est. Residence Date
Not Available
Birth Place

1920 United States Federal Census

1920 United States Federal Census

Maggie L Durrwachter
Est. Birth Date
Not Available
Est. Residence Age
Est. Residence Date
Birth Place