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Watch interviews with some of
the season 13 cast

Watch interviews with
some of the season 13 cast

Start your own journey of
discovery with Ancestry®

Start your own journey of discovery with Ancestry®

Ancestry® has the world’s largest online collection of historical documents, and AncestryDNA® is Australia's best selling DNA test - with millions of people in our growing DNA network around the world.

How Ancestry® works

How Ancestry® works

family tree icon

Start building your family tree

Search key record collections for essential information.

family tree icon

Start building your family tree

Search key record collections for essential information.

leaf icon

Add detail to your ancestors’ lives

Discover what made up their day-to-day life.

leaf icon

Add detail to your ancestors’ lives

Discover what made up their day-to-day life.

search icon

Go deeper into your family story

Add even more colour and context by exploring further.

search icon

Go deeper into your family story

Add even more colour and context by exploring further.

It’s easy to get started

It’s easy to get started

Step 1
add names

Enter what you know

Add your name, your parents, grandparents, and any details you might already have, like dates of birth or where they lived.

Step 2
review hints

Review Ancestry® Hints

Look for a leaf, this means we’ve found a record or a photo that might match a person in your tree.

Step 3
search collections

Find your ancestors

Search for your ancestors in our key collections — census, marriage, immigration, military and more.

Step 4
add to family tree

Add to your family tree

Easily save new ancestors, records, photos and stories.

Start your journey with a 14-day free trial*

Start your journey with a 14-day free trial*

Start by simply typing in a name and Ancestry® could help you build a picture of your family's past.

Start 14-day free trial

Start making your own discoveries

Start making your own discoveries

*Your 14-day free trial requires registration with a valid payment method. No fee will be charged during the free trial period. Once the free trial period ends, your chosen payment method will be debited at the applicable amount for your chosen subscription unless you cancel not less than two days before the end of your free trial period. Your membership will be renewed automatically at the end of each subscription period and your chosen payment method will be debited at the then applicable rate. To avoid automatic renewal, cancel at least two days before the end of that subscription period by visiting the My Account section or by calling 1800 251 838 toll free from Australia (or 0800 442 100 from NZ) Monday to Friday, 9am-8pm (AEST) and Saturday to Sunday 9am-4pm (AEST).