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What happens when a group of Australians take a DNA test?


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What happens when a group of Australians take a DNA test?

BuzzFeed and Ancestry decided to find out:

BuzzFeed Australia rounded up some staffers, and each got their very own AncestryDNA testing kit:

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They then had to fill the tube that came in the kit with saliva, up to the fill line, as shown:

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Some were very lady like:

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Others maybe not so much? [Not shown].

But in any case, they all dropped their tubes into the pre-paid envelope:

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And sent them off.

Were the results what they expected?

Before the test – which tells you which of 26 world regions your genes come from – they were asked:

“What’s the test going to tell me about you?”

A few were mixed race and expected some diversity to show in their results. But others were, well in their own words:

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“I know that I’m very boring and vanilla. I get told that daily.”

It turns out, Mr. “Boring and Vanilla” had everyone fooled. Ancestry’s Brad Argent had to ask:

Did you get someone to take the test for you? Because these results are not vanilla at all.”

Take a look. You can see on the map that his test results, showing where his ancestors may have lived hundreds to thousands of years ago, cover a good portion of the globe.

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Brad also added, “You’re one of the most diverse people that we’ve tested.”

The best part of the video was that everyone had a bit of something intriguing in their background.

And it was reflected in their reactions:

Buzzfeed Staff AU reactions to AncestryDNA test results

Whether it’s “Viking” ancestry, or some unsuspected Iberian, European Jewish, or Finnish heritage, you never know what you might find.

What will your DNA test show? Find out today!