The 1921 Census of England & Wales is here.

The 1921 Census of England & Wales is here.

For the first time on Ancestry®, discover your grandparents handwritten entry in this fascinating collection, and uncover personal details about what life was like in 1921 in England and Wales.

Search the 1921 England and Wales Census

Uncover your family's wartime story

Discover your ancestors in 1921

Discover your ancestors in 1921

What is the 1921 Census?

What is the 1921 Census?

Discover what life was like for your ancestors in 1921 in England and Wales

Discover what life was like for your ancestors in 1921 in England and Wales

A census is usually conducted every 10 years to count the population of a country, and give a detailed picture of the households at the time. The 1921 Census contains a snapshot of life for nearly 38 million people living in England and Wales at the time.

A census is usually conducted every 10 years to count the population of a country, and give a detailed picture of the households at the time. The 1921 Census contains a snapshot of life for nearly 38 million people living in England and Wales at the time.

Life in England and Wales in 1921

Life in England and Wales in 1921

What was going on in the world?

What was going on in the world?

Post World War I

Post World War I

The 1921 England and Wales Census was taken after WWI, when hundreds of thousands of men had been lost. As a result, there were a high number of widowed women in this census - and it showed that overall, there were 1.7 million more women than men living in England and Wales at the time of the census.

The 1921 England and Wales Census was taken after WWI, when hundreds of thousands of men had been lost. As a result, there were a high number of widowed women in this census - and it showed that overall, there were 1.7 million more women than men living in England and Wales at the time of the census.



This census was the first to show name of your employer and address or location of work. During WWI in England and Wales, millions of women had taken on roles that had been traditionally reserved for men. The census shows that many women continued this work post-war, seeking economic freedom or supporting a household after the loss of a husband.

This census was the first to show name of your employer and address or location of work. During WWI in England and Wales, millions of women had taken on roles that had been traditionally reserved for men. The census shows that many women continued this work post-war, seeking economic freedom or supporting a household after the loss of a husband.

Fashion, culture and more

Fashion, culture and more

The 1920s was a period of radical change. While times were still hard for many families post WWI, it was also a time of fashion and art culture. If you would like to discover more of what life was like in 1921, you can visit our blog, containing fascinating updates about the 1920s in England and Wales.

The 1920s was a period of radical change. While times were still hard for many families post WWI, it was also a time of fashion and art culture. If you would like to discover more of what life was like in 1921, you can visit our blog, containing fascinating updates about the 1920s in England and Wales.

A new life abroad

A new life abroad

Did your ancestors move from England and Wales after 1921?

Did your ancestors move from England and Wales after 1921?

The Empire Settlement Act 1922

The Empire Settlement Act 1922

In 1922, The Empire Settlement Act was passed to help British people move to other Commonwealth countries. This act led to more than 200,000 people settling in Australia and 165,000 in Canada. Was your ancestor one of them? The 1921 Census can show you what their life was like in England or Wales before they decided to migrate.

In 1922, The Empire Settlement Act was passed to help British people move to other Commonwealth countries. This act led to more than 200,000 people settling in Australia and 165,000 in Canada. Was your ancestor one of them? The 1921 Census can show you what their life was like in England or Wales before they decided to migrate.

Migrating to Australia and New Zealand

Migrating to Australia and New Zealand

Did anyone in your family tree move from England or Wales to Australia or New Zealand? Tracing their experience from 1921 in England and Wales to passenger lists and other records can help you make fascinating discoveries about how life changed.

Did anyone in your family tree move from England or Wales to Australia or New Zealand? Tracing their experience from 1921 in England and Wales to passenger lists and other records can help you make fascinating discoveries about how life changed.

Dive deeper with the Ancestry blog

Dive deeper with the Ancestry blog

Read our latest articles about life in 1921 and much more

Read our latest articles about life in 1921 and much more

What will you find in the census?

What will you find in the census?

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More ways to make discoveries

Ancestry has so many collections to explore

Ancestry has so many collections to explore

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